When You Least Expect It, Good Things Come

Often we tend to believe that our luck will change or we will come out of a losing streak as if by magic. That is wrong. However, by implementing these small changes, you can attract the good things in your life. Everything will change for the better if you do this
When you least expect it, good things come

Suddenly, and without you really knowing how, the entire universe seems to spin its artisan fingers to bring you good things, what you expected, what you undoubtedly deserve and that your own hope had given up for lost.

Why not? Some call it luck, other designs, a few speak of the law of attraction, but in reality … Who can deny that your effort, dedication and will has woven its own rope so that at the end of it you will find what you expected ?

If you are a person who tends to view with great skepticism that “that good things come unexpectedly if one knows how to wait” , it is worth reflecting with us on these simple aspects. Magic, luck, providence and  the beautiful things in life are just around the corner from many of our corners. You just have to know how to fold them, know how to walk the road with an open mind and a willing heart.

Luck and the arrival of good things are due to one aspect: believing in yourself

woman walking along pier

As simple as that: good things and the anchor of luck only reach the port of those who are capable of believing in themselves to make certain situations happen.

As you can guess, there is very little magic in these concepts. Nor is it an idea forcibly taken from self-help manuals with which to sell an empty slogan .

The belief in oneself moves mountains and is our true life force. You have it? We invite you to put these simple tips into practice to allow good things to come into your life with the subtlety of someone who finally sees the sunrise in their life.

Get out of your routine, promote small daily changes

We know. We know that you spend many hours away from home fulfilling a working schedule, and that the days demand more obligations than pleasures. You care about yours and you know that every effort is necessary.

  • We can continue to meet our schedules but approach this obligation in another way.
  • Allow yourself something every day, no matter how small : have a coffee in a new place, buy a small gift for your loved ones when you leave work, go home another way.
  • Any change in routine is a stimulus to our brain. A stimulus is positive reinforcement, and positive reinforcement brings excitement. That is already a change, it is another way of approaching the day to day.

Turn on your illusion on a day-to-day basis and don’t let anyone turn it off, good things will come

good things

Whoever stops dreaming dies a little every now and then, so close your eyes and open your mind. Allow yourself to dream of what you want, free yourself a little every day feeling free even in your thoughts.

  • Each illusion starts an engine inside us, until little by little, our wings are “growing”. All illusion will be transformed into purpose and purpose into will.
  • Now, never forget that around you, there will be a specialist in consuming dreams and wills. They are people who fill us with clouds with their customary words of “that train is no longer for you”, “your obligations are different”, “that are nonsense and ways of wasting time” … Do not allow it, do not listen to them.

Who can change his thoughts can change his destiny

Good things can sometimes come through a purely chance act; everything is possible. However, there will always be greater chances of good things happening if we do our part, if we encourage this to happen by being authentic architects of those dreamed aspects.

We are aware that it is not easy at all to vary the focus of our thoughts:

  • Thoughts are shaped by our previous experiences, by past memories, by learnings arising from failures that we do not want to repeat.
  • Many of our thoughts are limited by indecision, by sometimes limiting beliefs that have been instilled in us or transmitted by others.
  • We think that the changes are not good, that they only bring dangerous things and that it is better to “stay where we are.”
Happy woman looking down

These are all examples of limiting thoughts that require cognitive restructuring. And how we do it? How do we vary those approaches that inhabit our mind?

Think you deserve it. Think that the time has come to give yourself priority, to be the protagonist of your life, not a simple supporting actor in the shadow of others. Dream, get excited every day and make small changes. Or big changes. Good things come to those who know how to wait. Do not hesitate.

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