When The Shadow Of Terrorism Leads Us To Helplessness

When the shadow of terrorism leads us to helplessness

It is often said that there is no greater loss of freedom than the insecurity caused by fear. Terrorism and the latest attacks not only have a direct effect on the victims themselves, the emotional and psychological impact associated with the shadow of fear reaches us all.

Terrorism has settled in our societies in the flesh. The victims of the news no longer live in those Middle Eastern countries  where suffering is sometimes “selfishly normalized” in the eyes of the Western world. Today, we personalize anguish much more because those faces, those lives only distantly remind us of our own.

Terrorism represents an emerging and global threat that affects us all  and that also has effects. Among them are the notable lack of security, fear of future attacks and their unpredictability, fear and often even a lack of trust in our institutions. We are faced with new emotional and psychological demands that we have to know how to face.

We invite you to reflect on it.

Terrorism and its psychological implications

It is often said that in the aftermath of 9/11, the world was no longer the same. So much so that many dare to describe our societies in crisis as gears based almost exclusively on the shadow of fear. Thanks to him, control measures are hardened, certain power structures are shielded and everyone works for a very specific purpose: security.

We have to bear in mind that security is basically the absence of fear, in addition to a right included in the United Nations letter where it is specified that every person must and deserves to feel defended, safe and protected in their physical and mental integrity. When this does not happen, we lose our sense of control and our social and personal development are limited.

metro security

We must not be held captive by fear

In an interesting article that appeared in the magazine “Psychology Today” they explain to us that terrorism will have triumphed in our societies when each of us carries out these four aspects:

  • Cancel our vacation and stop traveling
  • Feeling fear every moment of the day and fear an attack in our vicinity
  • Distrust our institutions
  • Need to move with our families to safer places.

In an article that appeared in the social studies journal, the psychologist Ordoñez Díaz tells us that the attacks are looking, above all, for a psychological effect that causes a great social impact, in addition to exercising a type of power linked to fear and The insecurity.

brussels attack

We may not have in our hands the means or the way to end these types of disasters. The political complexity and the dark ins and outs that move in the theater of geostrategy, politics and weaponry, make us see ourselves more as puppets than as main actors.

However, to cope with helplessness or anguish, it is necessary to avoid being held captive by fear. Something as essential as allowing us to lead a normal life, relate and respect each other, extolling those values ​​that ennoble the human being, can help us to maintain calm and balance.

To do this, and to finish with a good reflection, just remember the words of the philosopher Fernando Savater .

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