What Is The Secret Of Happy Relationships?

We all, at some point, think that we want to have a totally fulfilling, happy relationship. Instead, sometimes we find it more difficult than we expected. Why? What prevents enjoying and being filled with happiness? What is the secret?
What is the secret of happy relationships?

Isn’t humanity curious? There are so many people who spend their lives in a crazy race against the clock, immersed in the routine, busy doing thousands of things and, in their free time, they are distracted in front of the television, connected to social networks or surrounded by people, noise and dull from alcohol or drugs. However, they don’t care about having happy relationships.

We live most of the time in automatic mode, accelerated by the accumulation of pending tasks, almost without paying attention. In this maelstrom of doing and not being, the essential is lost, which is not outside, but inside. We have learned to forget ourselves.

The fear of our most intimate emotions

Woman in fear hugging a cushion

Loneliness can be terrifying for some people, who in order to be accompanied, sacrifice the quality of relationships. This fear of loneliness often hides the fear of coming into contact with the most intimate emotions, which can be unpleasant or painful. It is preferred, then, to be distracted or numb.

But if emotional needs are not heard and catered for, if we do not accept ourselves unconditionally with our weaknesses and strengths, we will walk through life wearing a mask. Pretending to be what we are not to seek in others the acceptance that we deny ourselves. Thus it is impossible to have happy relationships.

Babies don’t judge their emotions, they just feel and express them. It may happen that during the socialization process, the child is ignored, hurt, ridiculed or abused. Given this, the only recourse he has is to hide the pain he experiences, because he still depends on others to feel worthy of love and respect.

As you reach adulthood , it is imperative to take responsibility for emotional health and to take care of healing the wounds and filling the gaps of the inner child . Otherwise, you will live with an inner emptiness that you will try to fill in vain with superficial relationships.

Loving ourselves so that we can have happy relationships

Our primary task, then, is to learn to see, love and value the most precious thing we have, which is our essence. The more we learn to love ourselves, the greater the desire to share our love with others, because authentic love is expansive by nature. That’s what happy relationships are based on. In an authentic love that is born from ourselves.

This shock wave is unstoppable, and it is then inevitable to want to share this love with others. From the fullness and authenticity, from the depths of our interior, from our essence.

Couple embracing holding a heart

The reason for happy relationships is to learn, grow, love, have fun, and enjoy each other’s company. Because we have the ability to love, both ourselves and others and when we understand how rewarding it is to put it into practice, we understand that it is the greatest treasure we can find.

But we have to start by loving and accepting ourselves. Loving oneself provides each member of the couple with the security and trust that is often sought in the other. But, instead of trying to get love from the other, and demand it, they share the love they have for themselves with their partner. Ironically, they are giving the other what they have always wanted from him and that before they were not able to give.

Self-abandonment and self-rejection are one of the biggest causes of failure in couples, and learning to love yourself really helps heal relationships. Loving is the most wonderful thing there is, but you can’t give what you don’t have. Until we learn to love ourselves, you cannot love the other. Ready to cultivate happy relationships?

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