Traveling Without A Partner: An Increasingly Fashionable Experience

Traveling without a partner already has a name: the solomoon or solomooning, a trend that is booming. But what are the benefits of traveling without a partner? How do you know if you really feel like it? We give you some keys!
Traveling without a partner: an increasingly fashionable experience

Traveling without your partner: what do you think of this experience? Have you ever traveled alone? How you felt? The truth is that, although traveling as a couple or with friends can be enriching and fun, traveling alone can also become a great experience.

In this article we discuss 5 reasons to travel without a partner and how this decision can benefit us. Take note!

Traveling without your partner: increasingly fashionable

Traveling without a partner is something that is becoming more and more fashionable among couples, whether they are married or not. We are talking about a movement or phenomenon that is gaining strength according to some travel portals, although it has always existed.

And, there have always been travelers who have traveled alone even when they are in pairs!

A new concept: “solomooning”

This phenomenon has been dubbed solomooning, for the idea of ​​”going alone to the honeymoon.” It is a movement with a vindictive tinge, which highlights the benefits of traveling alone even with a partner.

The Kiwi travel portal, specialized in finding flights and which detected this “new” trend, speaks of solomoon  or  solomooning as ‘ a trend for newlyweds who choose to spend their honeymoon without a spouse ‘.

However, the concept also refers to those couples who are not married, but who decide (each of its members) to travel each on their own.

Man with backpack enjoying a landscape

5 reasons to travel without a partner

Having a partner is not at odds with continuing to carry out activities independently, that is, alone. Therefore, if we like to travel, traveling without a partner can be beneficial individually and also for the other person. Why? We are going to see some of the reasons or benefits of traveling without a partner.

1. Helps you keep getting to know yourself

Traveling without a partner allows us to continue knowing ourselves, and also reminds us of what we liked to do before being in a couple or being part of a tandem.

Thus, it is an experience that fosters self-knowledge. We are all different as a couple than when we are alone, and that is neither good nor bad, but to discover it, we will have to continue cultivating our moments alone. One way to do it? Traveling, leaving the comfort zone.

2. Enrich the relationship

Have you ever had the feeling that you no longer knew what to explain to your partner? What do you spend too much time together?

If you decide to travel without it, this will not happen to you. Why? Because you will have a thousand experiences to tell him when you meet again, and also, you will be able to get ideas for a future trip together.

3. Cultivate autonomy

Another reason or benefit of traveling without a partner is that it allows you to cultivate personal autonomy. Let’s not forget that, even if we are someone’s partner, we are still ourselves, as individual people.

It is important to maintain autonomy, even with a partner. This is what allows us to be ourselves, reducing our level of dependency.

4. Missing: why does it have to be bad?

On the other hand, if you decide to travel without your partner, it is likely that you will miss each other. But sometimes, that “missing” is necessary to continue to stoke the passion in the relationship.

And, above all, to value the other, to cultivate the desire to see him and to continue doing things together, etc.

5. Allows you to face your fears

When we travel alone we also face our greatest fears : getting lost, something bad happening to us … This is so because it implies leaving our comfort zone and, in addition, being away from home (from safety, what we already know, comfort …).

Therefore, traveling alone can become a source of learning on a personal level. By facing these fears, we are also cultivating our autonomy, as we said in a previous point.

In turn, this can benefit our relationship as a couple (especially if we want to reduce dependency in the relationship).

Woman in a hotel room

Traveling without a partner: how do I know if I really feel like it?

There are people who really enjoy traveling as a couple and who discard the idea of ​​traveling without it. It is also something legal, and it is neither good nor bad.

However, if you feel that perhaps you want to travel without a partner, but it scares you, you are not sure, you have doubts … Here are some questions you should ask yourself to get out of your insecurities and reflect:

  • Is it something I’ve always wanted to do?
  • What am I really afraid of? Go alone? What does something bad happen to me or does my partner get angry?
  • What is behind that desire to travel alone?
  • Is my desire bigger than my fear? And what about my doubts?
  • What prevents me from making that trip without my partner?

The truth is that, many times, an honest conversation with ourselves can help clarify us. If what concerns you is what your partner thinks, try to talk about it openly with her, with naturalness and confidence.

And you, have you ever considered traveling without your partner? Have you lived this experience? How was it? We should normalize this type of situation, since doing things that we like individually is not at odds with enjoying a relationship with a partner. Remember, independence is one of the keys to happy relationships.

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