Today I’m Going To Get Everything That I Propose

Today I'm going to get everything that I propose

Today is the day, today I am going to achieve my goals, step by step. Today is the day that I will finally dare to walk towards the future I want, towards what I have always dreamed of, to transform that dream into a reality.

I can smell that moment when I will achieve my goals, I can feel the emotion in my heart, I can feel the tears of joy rolling down my cheeks and the pride of the people I love to see me fulfill my hopes.

Today I will be brave

Fear is not an obstacle, I will draw the courage that I have always had to fight against what scares me. I will come face to face with my fear of failure, my fear of the opinions of others, my fear of change.

I have finally understood that failure does not exist, only the desire to learn, that the opinions of others are sometimes fears of others not mine, and that change can be a great opportunity.

I will learn

Woman with dandelion symbolizing today

I will become someone who does not look to the past, but lives in the present and looks forward to the future. Someone who learns the lessons that life has given him and who does not give up. If I am curious about something, I will study it because the time will come when I can use it.

I will train in the aspects that I am most passionate about to develop my best skills doing what I like. I will never stop learning, being curious about new things, studying, reading, exploring. Now I know that everything I learn will have an application, a meaning in my life, it will be something that I use and that will help me persevere.

I will live the present

The shadow of worry will not accompany me, because from now on I will think of all the good things that I have in my life, of all the people who really love me and I will live the here and now, the warmth of each embrace given, the kindness of each word spoken, the kiss of each person that shows me their affection.

I will set my goals and fight to achieve them

Today I am clear about what I want and how I am going to achieve it. I will write my goals clearly in a place where I can see them, to remind me every day that I walk towards my dreams. I will fight against difficulties, with everything that comes between what I want and me.

I will value myself

Woman hugging thinking about today

I have defects, like all of them, there are many, but every day I fight to overcome and accept them. And also, I have virtues that make me unique, that make me who I am. Today I have learned to value myself, to see all the good things in me and to do the things that I really like and do well.


I will be persistent

Nothing will stop me because I trust myself, I believe in myself, that is why I have learned to be persistent, not to give up and to accomplish my goals step by step. Perseverance will accompany me at every moment of this day and of all those who will follow it, to remind me that I am a fighter and to transmit my enthusiasm and spread my joy to other people.

Today I will be me

I will not hide, I will show myself as I am, I will say what I have to say, I will learn to say “no” when necessary, I will learn to communicate and talk with other people, I will not allow negative thoughts to invade me.

Today I am going to be me, I am going to be brave and daring, I am going to dream and fight for what I dream, I am going to enjoy the present and value who I am, today I am going to achieve everything I set out to do.

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