“This Is My Heart, A Video-story Narrated By Children That Is Love In Its Purest Form

“This is my heart”, a video-story narrated by children that is love in its purest form

“This is my heart” is a story by Jo Witek, which gives voice to the emotions and feelings of children. Its beautiful illustrations and the simplicity of its words make up a beautiful cocktail for children to recognize their feelings in many ways and with many colors.

Joy, sadness, calm, anger, fear … All those emotions that children 3 years and older already recognize and can express are contemplated in this beautiful story. Taking advantage of the depth of the message, the story is even more tender and exciting as told by the little ones in the house.

In this video story we can enjoy how soft little voices give color and intensity to the story. We can hear phrases like  “My heart is like a little house. Many things happen inside … and they are all in turmoil! There are loud laughter and rainy days, big anger and a desire to jump on the limelight. Today I am going to open the door of my heart to invite you to pass »

As we see, it is a very close language, along with the wonderful idea that those who have are children . Here we bring the story closer for your use and enjoyment …

Emotional education from a very young age is better

That children play with the expression and verbalization of their emotions and feelings is the first and most essential task to build their intra and interpersonal skills. Although a priori it seems very complicated because perhaps we are not skilled at managing our emotions, the truth is that working with them we have the opportunity to improve ourselves too.

The first step is to take . For this we can take pictures of several children and ask the little ones about how they think the children in the pictures feel. We can also ask them to draw faces that represent a person experiencing a certain emotion or tell stories related to different emotions.

Once children become aware of when and how their emotions and those of others are expressed, we must help them correctly and avoid generating conflicts beyond the situations that have generated them. We can help them to keep an emotion diary, to identify with a balloon when they get angry, to relax through breathing, to think positively, to stop their negative thoughts, etc.

Thus, children have to know that they have the right to say no when they do not like something, that it is not good to spread rumors, that you always have to try to put yourself in the place of the other and try to show others the need for them to put themselves in ours, etc.

In line with this we cannot forget them, as they are the ones that will allow them to manage their life in the first person. A child has to have his business card very clear, he has to know how to highlight his good things and identify those that he has to improve. In addition, you have to know how to pamper yourself, take care of yourself and love yourself.

That is why diaries, memory boxes, praise games are good, vital I dare say  . Only then can they portray themselves with respect, only then can they understand how friendship is a flower that must be cared for by both parties.

This will allow them to grow with the dress of self-understanding, with a proactive attitude towards tasks, with a list of pleasant events accessible in their memory, with the guarantee of living surrounded by such wonderful people that they make them enjoy life. And all that begins with them understanding that “This is their heart.”

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