The Transience Of Time As We Get Older

The fleetingness of time as we get older

The transience of time worries us as we get older, since it seems that everything around us begins to pass in a much faster way. Why when we are smaller this does not happen? With seven or ten years, time seemed eternal, but now with more than twenty years it runs without being able to stop it.

This is undoubtedly a psychological effect that we all end up noticing. Time does not pass faster, our perception of it simply changes. Routine prevents us from enjoying each day to the fullest and our memories each time have to go back further to a more distant past. All this influences our perception of the transience of time.

The transience of time is a matter of perception

Time passes the same for all people, but the perception of it is not the same. The normal thing is that from the age of twenty, you and more people realize that time passes faster than in previous years. This is because you are much more aware of it. Now you give it a lot of importance. Right now you always know more or less what time it is?

But there are many people who are able to take advantage of each day and enjoy it as when they were younger;  for them the unappealable advance of the second hand does not imply constant stress. Let’s think that perception is very important, it is the key to all this. Can anything be done to avoid feeling like we can’t hit the brakes of our time?


I don’t know if you’ve ever been aware that when you get bored and have nothing to do, time passes very, very slowly. On the other hand, when you are immersed in a work routine full of meetings, obligations, projects and deliveries, it seems that the day will need a few more hours.

It all depends on what you have to do, your obligations, your strict routine. When we get out of the routine and go on vacation, we are not as watchful as when we are working. This influences, in addition to age. The older we get, the faster time seems to run.

This would explain why in the first years of life in childhood and adolescence everything happens more slowly. Our memories of the last hours are much more vivid and intense. But, our memory is limited and over the years only the most relevant memories will remain. Of course, we will feel much less close than before.

In our early years, entering the institute and, later, the University or the world of work, mark our lives. We are in a continuous learning, our first love stories arise, we meet many people, we experiment, we travel. Thus, the changes occur one after the other, being fully aware of them, contrary to what happened to us in childhood.

Pass in a faster or slower way, the best thing to do with time is to take advantage of it. Whether at more or less speed, the important thing is that we do not have the feeling of having thrown it. On the other hand, we have to keep in mind that it is the best gift we can give to others, since it is limited and in one way or another it belongs to us.

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