Stop Being Slaves

Stop being slaves

Be obedient, study, work, get married, have children, get hypothesized, watch TV, consume, and decorate your house for Christmas. And above all: NEVER question what you have been told to do. This is what they tell us as soon as we are born and we assimilate it as a certainty while we live according to all this, as if we were slaves.

Society and tradition exert a powerful influence on us from the day we are born. We are indoctrinated, to obey predetermined guidelines and directives by the majority and to systematically reject new ideas. To avoid thinking otherwise and thus fit properly in society.

We are discouraged from being part of a ready-made chain of life, but we associate any attempt at change with frustration and failure. Stopping to think to change our mentality, take control of our existence, confronts us against our fear of freedom.

We have mechanisms that guarantee the psychological paralysis of society

There are certain mechanisms that make us slaves to situations and that affect us in many areas of our life. It is a learned way of proceeding and that we have to start questioning in order to change the course of all this.

The fear

Fear, the more fear and insecurity we have, the more we will need to be protected (the State, the institutions, will become our allies). This is how we work, based on fear. We have a series of mechanisms that guarantee our paralysis, a psychological paralysis.

Fear is a traditional way that the worst dictators in history have had to perpetuate themselves in power. They try to make us see that what we can lose by following our judgment is much greater than what we can gain if we decide to put it aside and do what they tell us.

Woman afraid to stop being slaves

A mature society is one that takes real awareness of risks and takes them into account the right measure of them to evolve. Otherwise, society stagnates, does not advance and continues with the same ways of thinking and proceeding from a century ago.


Thanks to self-deception we lie to ourselves, so as not to have to face the fears and insecurities inherent in any process of change. To achieve this, it will be enough to look the other way, employing infinite forms of entertainment to evade ourselves 24 hours a day, will make us live drugged.

Also denying reality or repeating to ourselves infinitely that everything is fine is a way of deceiving ourselves and at the same time of becoming slaves of what we would have to face with integrity and strength.


Exhausted physically and mentally, we decided to conform, stating that “the life we ​​lead is the only one possible.” We believe that we have nothing to do, that there is a predetermined destiny that we cannot modify and, in this way, we do not make decisions, we do not change, we let ourselves be carried away with resignation.

Assuming we are victims of our circumstances, we use arrogance and cynicism against people who think differently, to defend ourselves in case we feel questioned. And we fill ourselves with skepticism to justify a second-hand life.

Worried woman


Laziness, whose meaning means “sadness of mind of who does not do with his life what he senses or knows he could do”. It is that feeling that, sometimes, we believe that it is there to deceive ourselves and not do what we really want to do.

Nobody said it was easy, but to start changing you just have to take a first step. We have the willpower to do it, you just have to give it a push. Laziness is just another form of self-deception, of being slaves.

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