Promote Emotional Salary In The Company

Every worker needs not only an economic salary, but also an emotional one. Today we will discover how to promote the latter, what it really is and the positive consequences we can achieve with it.
Promote emotional salary in the company

Adequately remunerating a worker and even giving some extra pay or incentive is an incentive for them to continue doing their job well. However, the salary is not the only important thing. There is something that is more: the emotional salary. 

Professor of Neuroscience and Strategic Leadership Steve Poelmans points out that “ the emotional salary is the set of non-monetary rewards that the worker receives from his organization and that complement the traditional salary with new creative formulas that are adapted to the needs of today’s people. ”.

This emotional salary provides different benefits. The main one is that it motivates workers, although perhaps the most important is that it allows talent to be retained in the company. This last point is so necessary that we will dedicate a much more extensive space to it later. But, to begin, we will distinguish the different types of emotional salary that exist today.

People working as a team

Types of emotional salary in the company

Although the types of emotional salary depend on the sector and specifically on the company, we can highlight some of those that are considered most basic for the well-being of the workers and the proper functioning of the organization. They are as follows:

  • Good work environment : it is essential for workers to feel comfortable and for teamwork to flow. Business psychologists can help resolve different conflicts that may arise to manage them in the best possible way.
  • Personal and professional development : providing training to workers so that they can continue to acquire and strengthen knowledge is essential. If, in addition, they are offered the opportunity to grow within the company, all this will undoubtedly have a positive impact.
  • Compatibility with personal life : offering days off to go to medical appointments or attend personal matters, as well as flexible work hours, the possibility of working once a week from home or taking vacations to meet certain goals are some ideas that work very well .
  • Have a voice in company decisions : having the opinion of workers to make decisions is important. They are an essential part of the business. Without them, nothing works. Therefore, giving them a voice, listening to them and making them see that they are taken into account, constitutes a very necessary type of emotional salary.

The importance of knowing how to retain talent

Somehow, all the emotional salary possibilities in the company help to retain talent. Although, for this, you also have to know which workers to hire. Each business has its own values and if the candidates who apply for a job that we offer do not coincide with them, no matter how many efforts we make to offer them an emotional salary, it will not have the results we expect.

Therefore, all companies must have an idea of ​​who is their “ideal candidate or worker”. Thus, they will also be able to emphasize some types of emotional salary that may be really important and leave others that are not particularly relevant in the background.

Woman working in a coffee shop

Talented people are very valuable. They have creative minds, help the company move forward, and enable it to achieve goals that, in the past, seemed unattainable. They are people who fall within that classification of “ideal candidate” and, once we have them, letting them escape would be a mistake.

A good salary at the end of the month is not enough to prevent talented people from continuing with us. If another company offers them more flexible hours, a space prepared to function as a nursery, a dining room so they do not have to move to another place or rest spaces to relax or take a break … Would they reject it?

All workers need a certain emotional salary, not only to feel that their work has meaning, but to continue growing, developing and giving the best of themselves in the company. This will translate into a push that will lead to the fulfillment of objectives and successes. An employment relationship in which both the company and the workers will win.

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