Planes: A Great Story Of Overcoming

Planes: a great story of overcoming

Some animated films are a perfect example of how to transmit values ​​to the little ones. But the elderly also have a lot to learn, especially when the message of the film speaks of the ability to overcome and the implementation of resilience. The story of Dusty, in the Pixar movie Planes, is a clear example.

In the movie  Planes we can see , frame by frame, how a  dusting plane transforms into a real racing plane. It is a story of overcoming that highlights Dusty’s ability to face one of the greatest obstacles: being born under very different expectations from the path that the dreams we are passionate about arise.

The protagonist was born in the country with a single destiny: to be a dusting plane. However, he  will allow himself to dream of something different : to  become a racing plane. To achieve this, he will have the support of his friends : the Chug fuel truck  and the Dottie mechanic

Both of them will help Dusty achieve his goal, and they will do it in very different ways. While Chug will blindly believe in his friend, and prove it to him by being his coach, Dottie  will be more skeptical of Dusty’s dreams; However, that lack of faith will not be an obstacle for me to give you all the help I can.

Throughout this process, there are many messages and conclusions that we can draw to apply them to our own lives and achieve our goals. So we can act just like Dusty and give ourselves a chance no matter how strong the headwind is when we start walking.

Dusty when he was a duster plane

Planes tells us about the excuses

Making excuses does not bring us closer to our goals and that is something that makes us very clear on the Dusty screen. Under the pseudonym “ Swift Lightning” he will appear in the qualifying tests for a race around the world and, unexpectedly even for him, will be  able to qualify . Now you have no excuses, your dream can come true .

For this he will need a little more help: that of a legendary racing plane called Skipper Riley . At first Skipper resists the idea of ​​training the protagonist of Planes, but finally decides to do it, thus turning the training into a great adventure for both of them. After a hard training Dusty is ready to fly alone and continue fighting to fulfill his dream. During the race, he must face the disbelief of some of his opponents, but he will also make new friends.

But Dusty never forgets his origins. Flying low, due to his fear of heights, he proves his worth and his integrity stage after stage. He will even come to help those who do not believe in him, thus earning their respect.

Planes tells us about being reborn

In every process there are drawbacks, and overcoming them on many occasions is what gives value to the challenge. Thus, once overcome, they constitute a great source of motivation to continue.  The protagonist of the movie Planes, in the pursuit of his dream, also has to face his own obstacles. In the film he suffers a serious accident that threatens to put him out of the competition  and endanger his dream.

Fortunately there are other characters who do not allow him to give up. It is undoubtedly the most moving moment in the film, when his friends and  rivals decide to help him by showing their admiration and respect for a farmer who dares to challenge the limits of the established. So a new Dusty will be reborn and the little dusting plane will gradually transform into what it dreams of being or what it has always been inside: a racing plane.

Detach and transform

Dusty’s transformation is not immediate. Its passage from caterpillar to butterfly is not a miracle, but the fruit of patience, faith and work. His character also has a lot to do with it: a fighter and humble enough to recognize that he needs help. On his way he learns to shed little by little the inheritance of his past that is a drag on him:  his spray tank.

It is the same accident that endangers your dream that makes you react. The blow suffered only gives him strength to transform his wounds, turning his old pieces into new and better ones. Thanks to them our protagonist gets closer to his goal. Well, to them … and to the unconditional support of their friends, who will be able to see their true self.

Parade of airplanes

Planes is undoubtedly a highly recommended, fun and exciting movie. It also has a final message that serves as a kind of universal and timeless memory: what it says to all of us has sometimes been forgotten. With his feat,  Dusty will become a benchmark, inspiring all those who know his story to go a little beyond appearances, both with others and with themselves.

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