Movies That Will Increase Your IQ

Know in this article all the movies that will generate new curiosities and enhance your intelligence.
Movies that will increase your IQ

Watching movies is an excellent exercise for people to increase their intelligence. This, because they allow to acquire new knowledge, identify new interests and find the necessary impulses to put them into practice.

In addition, they are a didactic resource that allows us to reflect on the importance of recognizing emotions and personal skills.

Here are some movies that are great for recognizing the factors that allow you to keep increasing your intelligence.

An indomitable mind

The film is about the life of Will Hunting, a young man who is intelligent, but acts rebellious and refuses to turn his life around due to all the experiences he had in the past.

Keep reading: 7 movies to work on emotional intelligence

Because of this, the film conveys the importance of knowing yourself to take advantage of your skills and live better and better. Well, ignoring talents can end up living a forced day to day and without motivation.

In addition, it shows how fundamental it is to want to achieve fulfillment despite all the difficulties that have been experienced. This, since living thinking about failure only fills people with limitations and prevents them from evolving.


In this production, the protagonist is unmotivated due to a love breakup and decides to consume a drug called NZT-48. With this, you stimulate your thoughts again, but you get many health problems.

Thus, the message of the film is that taking the easy ways and giving up exploring one’s own cognitive abilities is a serious mistake. The consequences of this are that they prevent reaching new knowledge and strengthening the learning that has been obtained throughout life.

In addition, the film communicates to the public that there are no limits to exercising the brain. Therefore, the ideal is to stimulate it constantly to improve memory and establish new mental connections.

The man who knew infinity

The film recounts the biography of Srinivasa Ramunujan, a man who was born with a natural talent for mathematics. Because of this, from his youth he made incredible finds despite not having an instructor and a permanent library.

In addition, he traveled to Europe and worked tirelessly to push forward the new developments for the society. From that idea, the production makes it clear that strengthening talents is the ideal process to achieve the life goals that you want to achieve.

Likewise, it is important to stay strong and be persistent in order to break down any obstacles that appear along the way.


This animated film develops the idea that people can experience negative and positive emotions. Because of this, it is essential to know how to manage them and not be afraid to vent at any time.

That is the initial step so that emotions are not locked inside the person and torment them constantly. Also, recognizing adverse feelings allows you to identify the causes of problems and begin to solve them.

Finally, another of the messages of the film is that you do not have to be afraid of changes because you can find valuable opportunities in them.


One of the great lessons that this film leaves is that it is important to know how to identify human behavior. In this way, you can be forewarned to detect the intentions of others.

This film enhances intelligence because it communicates to the public that it is essential to be an observer and analytical to know when to intervene.

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The importance of teaching resources for your intelligence

Movies and books increase intelligence because they arouse people’s full attention and generate curiosity. From there, the interest arises to understand new points of view and continue to acquire additional information.

Finally, these resources also allow people to identify how they can act at specific times to obtain better benefits.

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