Men Who Do Love Women

Men who do love women

There are many myths and labels on what should be  the  “real” men  in the collective imagination, but these have been replaced, or less supplemented by other more constructive.

Sometimes, the passion between two lovers is referred to as something unstoppable, difficult to be controlled by its protagonists. This can be exciting at first but unfortunately in reality it happens that the protagonists become executioners of their own history if this obsessive passion becomes toxic.

His passions turn into prisons. Very far at this point they are fantastic stories, novelistic and romantic. When passion becomes a whirlwind of jealousy and reproach, constructive romance and magic are put aside; opening the way to a miserable, bitter and unproductive existence.

Loving is an art and like any art, it is practiced and improved

Man holding partner's hand

Few Hollywood movies tell us what a true coexistence means, a true exchange of existences. Not because it is intimate and egalitarian, coexistence ceases to be mysterious and lively for those who have the privilege of sharing it.

However, if many yearn to contemplate the moral height of a love story in a “real and uncensored” version; Michael Haneke’s movie “Amour” can be a great visualization to understand what a love based on intimacy and mutual respect is.

The irresistible charm of men who do not impose, only share

Very devalued are the men who really seek to share, conquer and know. Very little reflection is found in heroes of battles, in bloodthirsty men of war. However, these types of attitudes are not rewarded in a mythological way, but in a human way.

It can be relatively easy to find a man who yearns to become a hero and a conqueror, but perhaps few truly seek to become men in their most perfect version, far from the beasts. Thanking the gift of human reason, seeking to improve and not dominate. 

Undoubtedly, this gourmet behavior and attitude delights the hearts that cross its path. They will be reflected in a longing, in a sigh, in a repeated dream in the female universe. They never become a nightmare. They always become a shared dream. 

Men who do love women… ..

Men who do love women are always reciprocated. They may not find the favor of reciprocity in space and time, but their mark is always burned in the women who have the pleasure of meeting them.

Couple talking, example of men who listen

Men who do love women do not impose, they do not coerce. They are not even obsessed with seducing, but so much for the pleasure of being seduced. They are not attracted to the reputation of the women who accompany them. They tend to pay more attention to those qualities that will make them feel happy in each of their days.

They care more about a woman’s struggle for her true identity, and the consequences in the form of virtues that this struggle has left on them. They tend to ally themselves with the conquests of their companions, since they consider that the happiness of two can only be complete when both feel triumphant in shared values; not in possessions or appearances.

They assume that love can end, they have the vertigo of being able to contemplate the precipice of passion; but that does not mean they give up living it. Securing a love with paper is a sweet cake for those who find happiness in having it well tied.

They, however, appreciate the value of stability and routine, but as long as it is based on the true will of two free souls to stay together. They have seen too many broken hearts to please the gallery, so they prefer to continue making art and not tradition in that of loving.

The men who love women are very numerous, but they must be vindicated and recognized in these times.

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