Laughter, Meditation For The Brain

Laughter, meditation for the brain


We have talked on many occasions about the benefits of meditation, and also the benefits of laughter. A recent study has linked laughter and meditation, and the results are very encouraging. This study, conducted at Loma Linda University (California) and led by Gurinder Singh, has found that laughter activates brain waves similar to those associated with meditation. He also found that the true meditative state can improve memory and reduce the effects of stress.

The study included 31 people whose brain waves were monitored while watching comedy shows, spiritual shows, and distressing videos. The researchers observed that by watching the humorous videos, the brains of the volunteers produced high levels of gamma waves, which are the same as those produced during meditation.

During the spiritual videos, the participants’ brains showed higher levels of alpha brain waves, similar to those produced when a person is at rest. The distressing videos caused flat brain wave bands, similar to those produced when a person feels isolated, unresponsive, or unwilling to be in a certain situation.

Also taking part in the study was Professor Lee Berk of Loma Linda University, California, who stated:  “What we found in our study is that the humor associated with happy laughter sustains large gamma bandwidth oscillations. Gamma is the only frequency found in all parts of the brain ”.

He added: “What this means is that humor actually involves the whole brain, it is a total brain experience with the frequency of the gamma wave band and humor, similar to meditation, keeps it there.”


A workout for the brain


Berk also said that with laughter “it is as if the brain received a training. ” This effect is important because “it allows during subjective feeling states to have the ability to think more clearly and have more integrative thoughts.” He added that “this is of great value for people who need or want to revisit, rearrange or change various aspects of their lives or experiences, so that they feel whole or more centered.”

As we said, this study also affirms that the state of true meditation can improve memory and reduce the effects of stress.

“It’s simple, the less stress the better your memory,” said Dr. Berk on this subject. Humor reduces stress hormones, such as cortisol, which are detrimental to memory as they decrease neurons in the hippocampus. Humor also lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow and mood.

The act of laughter, or just enjoying a bit of humor, increases the release of endorphins and dopamine in the brain, which provides a sense of pleasure and reward,” said Berk. These positive and beneficial neurochemical changes, in turn, make the immune system work better. There are even changes in brain wave activity towards the frequency of the gamma wave band, which also amplify memory and recall ”.

Among the conclusions that the researchers have derived from this study in relation to memory, the importance for the elderly stands out. Cognitive components (delayed memory and learning ability) suffer as we age and are essential for older adults to improve their quality of life, in terms of mind, body and spirit.

Although older people have age-related memory deficits, mood therapies are highly beneficial, which is why researchers recommend offering them.


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