Keep Calm In The Middle Of The Crisis

How difficult it can be to stay calm in times of crisis! However, achieving this little big challenge may be the key that opens the solution we are looking for.
Keep calm in the middle of a crisis

Staying calm in the middle of a crisis is essential to think clearly and so that negative emotions do not influence decision-making; a decision making that can be highly critical in this type of situation. Burden and despair can be poor advisers when it comes to acting with precision, efficiency and intelligence.

However, calm allows you to correctly choose the path to be traveled in a turbulent moment and, in this way, the chances of reaching a satisfactory solution can increase considerably.

The organism, when faced with a threat, activates a defense system to escape danger; it is a natural way to protect yourself. Although with this evolution has allowed man to be more protected against the dangers posed by nature, it has also had other threats.

Stress mechanisms are immediately activated in these types of situations: they prepare the body for a fight or flight. If the individual feels threatened, by any kind of circumstance, they will begin to feel the symptoms of stress : palpitations, sweating, irritability and anxiety.

Although it is a natural mechanism that the body has to face danger, the ideal is to handle crises or unpleasant situations in order not to chronify stress, which would lead to a deterioration in health by staying over time.

Woman with stress symptoms

Why is it important to remain calm in the middle of a crisis?

Staying calm in the middle of a crisis clarifies thinking, which is vitally important when making decisions – it can mean the difference between being right or wrong. Certainly, many people, when faced with pressure situations, do not respond adequately and fall prey to anxiety, which often has dire consequences for their well-being.

Stressful events should place the individual in a position to take action to reverse the situation. However, on many occasions, this is not possible; therefore, conceptual tools should be used to navigate the crisis while maintaining a greater degree of control.

The normal stress that can be felt in a new or unpleasant situation can become chronic if it is not managed well . An extension in time that ends our strength and our motivation to undertake projects or continue with those already begun.

In this way, controlling dissatisfaction, airing our emotions or not feeding frustration represent concrete objectives that safeguard our well-being in potentially stressful situations. Another strategy that can help us is to make realistic calculations of probabilities, deriving the concern for the future self in living the present self.

Woman with eyes closed

The benefits of being calm in the middle of a crisis

Staying calm in the middle of a crisis can bring benefits for the overall health of the body. Among the most outstanding advantages is a decrease in discomfort, which implies mitigating suffering in emergency situations or situations that are not aligned with our wishes.

Staying calm in the middle of a crisis makes it easier to isolate the stream of thought from negative valence emotions, which can lead to inappropriate or counterproductive actions.

The human being, on many occasions, is worried about what he has lived and what is about to happen. It is in that dichotomy between past and future that many times this discomfort arises that confuses us, at the same time that it makes us suffer .

Taking a breath, thinking about nothing but now and avoiding panic are some strategies that can help us in conflict situations; in addition, they can reconcile us with our own life in a world where almost everything, despite stress, is possible.

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