I Wish There Was A Stairway To Heaven To See You Every Day

I wish there was a stairway to heaven to see you every day

I wish there was a stairway to heaven so that I could see you every day. I wish I could tell you again everything I love you. I wish I could show you what I need you, what I care about you and what you give me.

If I could see you again even for just a second I would not let you go. I would hold you so tight it would be difficult to tell us apart. We would be two fused souls, two loves, two longings, two fleeting eternities.

I want to think that somewhere, I don’t know where or when, I’ll see you again. I would love to be sure that you live in another world together, happy and with full happiness. I’d give anything to know that you can see me and hear me.

Man uncovering the sky

I miss you

I know you will not return, but I need to feel your presence closely. I prefer to think that something about you touches me every day and that my skin knows it and that is why it shudders.

I tend to think that each person who left is a star in the sky that will never go out and that each night I will be able to watch. It’s one more way of telling myself that all those memories manage to light up the world every night.

Every day of my life I would give anything to feel you again and tell you everything that makes me happy and everything that ails me. That is why I have to move forward, reinvent hugs and turn my wishes into memories that help me feel you every day.


We will never stop missing them

No, over time the absences do not stop hurting, we simply anesthetize our heart. We used to feel a certain emptiness, but the loss of a loved one is a wound that we cannot heal, only accept.

The important thing is to be aware that we will never stop missing them. We have to cry, feel that something has broken, that they have left and that there is no afterwards to which we can put words.

However, even if we never stop feeling loneliness and pain over the death of a loved one, we can regain our life and our will to live. Days, months or years go by, our loved ones never cease to be with us in our memories and in our hearts. Because the fact of having shared life is the most permanent thing in this world.

Those who go to heaven never leave us

It is not easy to admit that there is a part of our history that has been left unfinished, that has been cut short by the end of life. It is not easy because we will never stop remembering, feeling and thinking about everything that was pending.

Thus, to live in harmony with ourselves and with our loved ones, we must allow ourselves to grieve in peace. Despite the undesirable pain of absence, our life continues and we have to accept his departure, understanding the meaning of death and life.

We cannot avoid that our life is paralyzed, that our heart skips and that our emotions block us. We have to be aware that our story after goodbye begins to be written with the pain of tears and the melody of hope.

Having to learn to live with that tortuous pain is scary. It is very scary because it is so deep inside that we know that it is something we cannot let go of. However, we have had the happiness of being able to love them, as well as the fortune that they have left us part of their being in this world.

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