I Take A Deep Breath And Appreciate Everything I Have Overcome

I appreciate everything I have experienced, also everything that I have overcome and that is left behind. Because each difficulty overcome and crossroads drawn outlines the person I am now. Someone who looks to the future with greater temperance and better psychological resources.
I take a deep breath and appreciate all that I have overcome

I appreciate everything that I have overcome. Because after each abyss I have overcome, I have created a bridge of learning and valuable experiences. Now, I take a deep breath and look at the future without fear, because all that remains behind me are chapters already written, pages that I have already turned to now create better stories, better stories in which I position myself as the true protagonist.

Indeed, many of us have left behind multiple experiences, some good and others less good. A Chinese proverb says that before being a dragon you have to suffer like an ant. The truth is that beyond what we usually believe, it is not mandatory to suffer to be happy or to understand what life is like. But even so, we cannot deny it, there are sufferings that give us valuable lessons.

Self-improvement is one of the best known areas of psychology and on which the humanist school has focused, above all. In this current, for example, existentialism is integrated to reveal that people are dynamic, changeable and that in each variation there is an aspect that we must always attend to: the congruence itself.

Thus, and in the event that destiny has an unexpected setback for us and we are forced to face this difficulty, it is our responsibility to react knowing how to decide, reflecting on what surrounds us and awakening our potential. In this process of inevitable crisis, we must never set aside our values.

Let’s reflect a little more on this topic.

Happy woman in the field thinking that thinking that I am grateful for everything that I have overcome

I am grateful for everything that I have overcome because, thanks to that, I have become who I am now

Rollo May, one of the most prominent existentialist psychologists of the 20th century, used to say that the more lost we are, the more we run. Indeed, sometimes phenomena or circumstances occur that surprise us.

There are times when the unforeseen comes with its storm clouds and the trembling under our feet. In those moments, we are captivated by fear and act in the least successful way: instinctively, with panic and in a hasty way, not balanced.

It is difficult to face those vital Gordian knots if our mind is not clear. If what is inside us is as chaotic as what surrounds us.

In the midst of those circumstances, it is best decided if we train in a calm, reflective approach and in tune with our principles, values ​​and needs. Thus, something that we should clarify first of all is to know what self-improvement really is.

This dimension is not just about facing an obstacle. It is not just getting around a difficulty or getting out of the worst of problems unscathed. Is much more. Self-improvement is, above all, learning. It is knowing how to activate your own resources in difficult moments knowing how to take advantage of what is presented to us. It is being open, receptive and reacting to choose change over fear, advance over stillness and stagnation.

My decisions have allowed me to be where I am now

I take a deep breath and appreciate everything I have overcome because I like who I am. I like my present version. I accept where I am now because it is the place I want to be. It is true that yesterday was hard and left me behind, but all growth implies transformation, alteration of psychological matters, emotional tides …

Dr. Michael Unghar, a family therapist and professor of social work at Dalhousie University in Canada, is one of the leading experts in the field of resilience.

Thus, something that he explains to us in his book Change Your World: The Science of Resilience and The True Path To Success is that, sometimes, something must happen on the outside to activate that internal potential that is resilience.

All personal growth, according to this expert, goes through igniting this dimension. To do so, we should be clear that this competition is like a dance. Something dynamic that is transforming ourselves and in turn, what surrounds us. Now what does this mean?

It’s easy to understand. If I am grateful for everything I have overcome, it is because I have dared to change external things that did not make me happy (a partner, a stressful job, etc.).

In turn, I too have changed. Now I am a more assertive person, someone who decides more correctly, without fear and being clear about what he wants at all times.

Butterfly in a hand

I appreciate everything that I have overcome and I look to tomorrow without fear

I look to tomorrow without fear. Not because I believe that what destiny is going to bring has the color and flavor of happiness. I attend him without anguish because I know that now I have better resources to face what comes, to face difficulties, to embrace fortune.

I am grateful for everything that I have overcome because thanks to that I am the person who now smiles at the world, the one who appears on the horizon, setting new goals, new dreams every day.

Therefore, let’s learn to handle everything that comes our way. Always with hope, always with resilience and knowing how to activate those exceptional resources that we all have.

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