I Can’t Change The Past But The Present Is In My Hands

We tend to cling to the mistakes of the past as if they will change from thinking about them so much. In reality, the secret of happiness is in the here and now. Find out below.
I can't change the past but the present is in my hands

There are people who focus on the past and that prevents them from moving towards a better future. That past can hurt but it cannot be changed no matter how much we want to. That is why life consists of enjoying the power of now and living in the present in order to find the path to happiness.

Consciousness is in the here and now

To live in the present moment, your consciousness must be centered in the here and now. You will not feel worried about the future or negative feelings will prevent you from moving forward because of your past. Living in the present implies that you are living in what is happening to you right now.

The past and the future are like illusions, they are in your mind, however the past no longer exists and the future has not yet been created. The reality is that tomorrow never comes, since it is just a concept that we have to understand the timeline. A time that is always now, at this very moment.

woman with a blue butterfly

Living in the present can change your life

If you do not live in the present it is because you are living an illusion. How many times have you worried and even felt bad about things that you don’t know if they are really going to happen? How many times have you blamed yourself for mistakes made regardless of the time that has passed? If you have done this too many times it is because sometimes you feel trapped in past and future illusions.

Living in the present will help you improve your emotional well-being, but it can also improve your physical health. Not living in the present will affect you badly. Mental stress from living in illusions and worries will have a negative impact on your physical and emotional health.

When you live in the present and make peace with your past and don’t try to control your futureā€¦ you will be living in acceptance. You will begin to accept life as it is now, not how you would have liked it to have been.

When you live in acceptance, you will realize things as they are. You will be able to forgive yourself for mistakes made in the past and you will be able to find peace in your heart knowing that what must happen will happen.

There are times when it is difficult to live in the present

There are people who feel deep anxiety because they are looking back or because they do not stop predicting the future. But the biggest reason many people have a hard time living in the present is because we don’t shut up or stop thinking. We are constantly talking about ourselves , it is hard for us to listen to anything other than our thoughts … and we forget to connect with reality.

People like to create stories, tell them and listen to them from others to compare them with our own. This is not bad and in a way life is stories. The problem begins when we feel the need to create stories about everything and we confuse the world. Reality is not a concept, reality is now. When we realize this, peace will be within us.

woman with an owl holding her dress ribbon

Free yourself from the past and start living now

The worst thing about living in the past or constantly thinking about the future is that you are giving up your inner power. If you do not live in the now, you will be giving up your life, you will be vetoing your ability to create and forgetting that only you have the opportunity to shape your life for your emotional well-being.

If you need to make changes in your life to be better, don’t wait any longer and do them now. Only by starting to walk will you find your way. If you are living in the past, you should know that you cannot do anything to change it and if you only care about the future … you cannot do anything to improve it unless you do it now, in the present. If you want to live in peace with your past and in a better future, accept the reality that you have today.

It seems difficult to live in the present, but you will only have to break the chains of the past and stop predicting what will happen in the future. Work in the present and the past will only be good memories and the future the path you are traveling.

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