How To Help Children With Math Anxiety

How to help kids with math anxiety

Math anxiety is one of the most common problems in the educational system. It is estimated that  approximately 60% of students suffer from this problem on a recurring basis. Undoubtedly, this subject is the one that arouses the most negative emotions of all that students have to face.

However, because passing this subject is necessary to earn a high school degree, students need to overcome this problem. For this reason, in this article we focus on some keys to manage and overcome math anxiety.

Why does math anxiety occur?

When a fear is so common, this means that there must be situations or ways of thinking that cause it. In the case of math anxiety, some of the factors involved are the following:

  • Expectations of encountering problems and not being able to solve them.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Problems in basic learning.
Child with anxiety about mathematics

All these difficulties can lead children to generate a great fear of failure that will prevent them from moving forward. In fact, in the most serious cases they can develop psychological disorders such as anxiety or depression.

1- Expectation of encountering problems

Mathematics has a reputation for being extremely complicated, both among students and the general population. This idea  is reinforced everywhere, so students come to class in fear.

The problem is that many times we give so much power to what we believe that it ends up becoming true. This is due to an effect known as a self-fulfilling prophecy. According to many studies, people who believe that they are going to fail in a certain area tend to do so. In the case of mathematics, which requires very specific learning to be mastered, this becomes doubly true.

But the real problem is not that the matter is excessively complicated. According to Professor Jo Boaler, who has devoted her entire life to studying on the subject,  only 3% of the population has serious difficulties understanding mathematics. For the rest of the people, it is perfectly possible to understand them. So how can we work around it to help kids with math anxiety?

The first step is to  explain to the students that it is a skill like any other. Just like everyone can learn to ride a bike if they put their mind to it, almost everyone can master geometry or algebra with a little effort.

In the event that the child feels totally incapable (a common thing if he has low self-esteem), solutions can still be found. One of them is to  propose mathematical exercises that you can solve, to generate some confidence. From there, it would only be necessary to gradually raise the level. This, by the way, will also help with a lack of motivation.

2- Lack of motivation

Another of the most serious problems related to mathematics is that many students hate it. This occurs mainly for two reasons: because they do not make sense to them and because they see them as something very complicated. The solution to the second obstacle is to  regulate the difficulty of teaching, starting with the most basic. However, the first one is more difficult to solve.

The truth is that mathematics usually occurs in class without any connection with the students’ real problems. A child or adolescent, whose concerns may have more to do with their relationships or what they want to do on the weekend, believe that they do not need to learn this subject. And the main problem is that they  are partly right.

Learning mathematics, unless a person wants to study some kind of engineering or science, is not really necessary. At least the most complex levels. However, this subject is part of the educational system. Therefore,  the role of parents and teachers is to help children find something useful for them.

One of the most obvious is that it is necessary to pass mathematics to have a better future. Therefore,  we must ensure that the student sees it as a challenge, as a kind of game in which to overcome himself. In this way, your motivation will increase.

3- Problems in basic learning

Finally, the two previous elements are mixed with the fact that  many students do not understand basic mathematics when they are in advanced courses. In this way, your anxiety about this matter increases year after year.

Little girl doing her homework

Fortunately, the solution to this problem is very simple. It is only necessary to  review with them the key concepts of the subject. This can be done with the help of parents, a private teacher or even on their own. The important thing is that they refresh all the knowledge learned.

As we can see, math anxiety is a very common problem that is caused by several causes. In this article we have seen several of them, as well as several possible solutions to them. However, in  the end the most important thing is perseverance. Remember that practically all people are capable of facing this matter and being victorious.

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