How To Find Motivation When Hiding

How to find motivation when hiding

Sometimes, when we only find discouragement and motivation is lacking within us, it seems that everything goes dark and that the light that previously illuminated has been turned off without a reasonable hope of being turned on again. But there is something that with discouragement you forget: after the storm, calm always comes.

Motivation is one of the keys that pushes us to make decisions and move forward, it is what helps us to give continuity to the movement. If you’re lacking in motivation, you’ve probably been tempted to procrastinate. Over time, if you do not look for solutions, you will end up giving up your projects and hitting your self-esteem hard, since feelings of guilt will not take long to appear.

Lack of motivation can come from discouragement due to different life circumstances, such as when you can’t find a job and you end up thinking that the best option is to throw in the towel. In these moments of crisis, where it seems that everything is darkness, ways can be found to get out of it. For this it is necessary not to give up and provoke motivation when it does not appear naturally.

Remember why you want to achieve what you set out to do

If motivation does not accompany you when you want to do a task, first think about why you want to do it. The reasons why you want to do something will be your driving force and will help you achieve everything you set your mind to. A single compelling reason will be strong enough to bring out all your emotional courage and do whatever it takes to achieve it.

But, if you do not feel any motivation or you think that you do not have the strength to achieve what you have proposed, it is because the reason behind that task is not strong enough, that is, you are not really interested.

Bored and unmotivated woman

An example to understand it better are people who want to quit smoking. Most of the time these people quit for a compelling reason, such as that if they continue to smoke they could have serious health problems. But if they don’t quit smoking, it is because they are not convinced that they really want to.

When you think about your goals, you should think about whether they are strong enough to withstand all the emotional involvement that they demand of you. If motivation does not accompany you, you should think about the purpose for which you want to do it and keep it very present to achieve your goals. The purpose will be none other than to enhance intrinsic motivation.

Although the dream is big, it starts little by little

When you dream, you should always do it in a big way so that you feel inspired to achieve it. But when you start walking to get to sleep, you will have to do it little by little to be able to strengthen yourself each time you pass a stage.

For example, if you have a company and you have to call customers but you don’t feel like doing it because you don’t think they will respond positively, start with a more realistic attitude and call only a few. What is important is that you build with good materials the catapult that will propel you when difficulties come. Little by little and without you realizing it, the motivation will grow stronger by your side.

Barefoot woman walking down a path

Do not forget that you must take care of yourself to achieve good results

When you feel that you do not feel like moving forward or that things are not going the way you want them to work, it is necessary that you draw perseverance and courage from within yourself, well understood pride. It is not worth hiding in the role of victim or thinking that everything bad happens to you, that has no place if you want to feel good and motivate yourself to achieve your goals. Do not lose sight of the following essential points:

  • Visualize success. Visualization is the most powerful tool, because if you can imagine it, you will be closer to achieving it. The mind does not differentiate between what is real and what is not, your mind can see it and imagine how to get there.
  • Create a good supportive environment. Leave negative people aside and surround yourself with those who provide you with positive elements for your motivation. But don’t depend on others for motivation, spend a few minutes every day thinking positively.
  • Remember that it is not the goal, but the path. It is important to remember that when you want to achieve things, it is not the goal that is important, but the path. Enjoy what you do and the motivation will stay with you.

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