How To Activate Our Alpha Waves

Techniques like the silva method help us activate alpha waves. This average brain frequency in states of relaxation and calm, ideal for activating creativity and reducing symptoms related to depression.
How to activate our alpha waves

The electrical impulses that the brain emits and that travel through our neurons are called brain waves. Alpha waves are those that are most active when our brain is in a “resting” state. Thus, practices such as meditation, reading a book or even when we watch a movie activate this frequency.

Thanks to electroencephalograms or also known as EGGs and advances in diagnostic techniques, we are progressing much more and more in the field of neuroscience. It was in the 1960s that many psychologists and neurologists became interested in how different brain waves affect our behavior.

Today, we have already made great strides in this understanding. An example of this is the study carried out at Harvard Medical University, and led by Dr. 

Furthermore, alpha waves are also known to be key to enhancing creativity and reducing the effects of depression. We are undoubtedly facing a topic of great medical and psychological interest that is worth delving into.

Brain waves

There are up to 5 types of waves, among which are alpha waves. Each of them has a different meaning and they are more present in our daily life than we can be aware of. Likewise, it is interesting to know how the electrical activity of the neurons that make up our brain generate everything we are: emotions, thoughts, feelings, behaviors …

Let’s take a look at those most basic characteristics of brain waves next.

Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz)

They are the waves of relaxation. The waves that are activated just before sleeping, when we are resting, we are spending a day lying sunbathing on the beach or the feeling we have just after taking a warm bath.

They mediate creative processes and it is also known that training and promoting them on a day-to-day basis improves mood.

Beta waves (12 to 33 Hz)

They are the opposite waves to the previous ones. They are the fastest speed waves and are produced when we are working at a light pace, when we are stressed, listening to noise or studying. They represent an intense activity in our brain. For example, people with anxiety tend to produce a lot of Beta waves.

Anxious woman

Theta waves (3.5 to 7.5 Hz)

They are responsible for the state that we say as “having your head in another place” or “being on the moon of Valencia.” They also produce relaxation and allow us to come up with creative ideas. They lead us to a kind of drowsy state.

Delta waves (1 to 3 Hz)

They are those that are generated during deep sleep. These types of waves are usually present in newborns, as they sleep very well and in a very relaxed way. On the other hand, they are more difficult to discover in adults, since very few manage to achieve this state of relaxation.

Gamma waves (25 to 100 Hz)

Gamma waves have a high frequency and in turn, a lower amplitude. At present, this type of wave is receiving some scientific interest as it is related to our consciousness. It also appears in a large number of cognitive processes: attention, memory …

The 5 types of waves are present at all times, although some may predominate over others at any given time. In this sense, there are studies that show that we can contribute to generating our alpha waves,  which are what cause us to relax.

In these times when we are all so stressed, nervous, imbued in cities full of noise, work overload, horn blasts and a long etc. we can with simple gestures activate our alpha waves.


Alpha Waves help us concentrate, see our goals more clearly, calm us and help us to have fewer fears, improve memory, help us lose weight and stop smoking, and strengthen our immune system.

What can we do for our alpha waves?

Do you want to know how to get the most out of alpha waves? These are some of the things you can do for them and that can help you a lot so that you can use them to your advantage. It is important that you use the keys that we present in this list constantly. This way you will see how you develop the habit and you will stimulate these waves that will help you so much.

  • Count slowly from 100 to 1.
  • Sit or lie on the bed, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Take deep breaths.
  • Listen to relaxing music. It is also proven that Baroque music awakens alpha waves. Even if you are working, try to counteract your Beta waves with the Alphas that you will get by listening to music while you work.

And what is the Silva Method? It is a method devised by José Silva to improve our IQ through a state of deep relaxation generating Alpha Waves.

Listen to this music video Alpha, does it work for you? Check it out for yourself by hitting play .

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