Habits That Lead To Happiness

Habits that lead to happiness

Being happy is a matter of attitude, rather than owning or getting things. In addition, each of us can find happiness in a different context, because it is something very personal. But cultivating our attitude will always bring us positive things.

A survey carried out by a group of psychologists from the University of Hertfordshire (in which 5,000 people participated), reveals which are the daily habits that make us happiest. In this way, the “top ten” of habits that make us happy could be made.

1 – Give

Giving without expecting anything in return, that is, selflessly brings us happiness. This means that you must do things simply to help, to make someone else happy, or to “steal” a smile from them.

From a plate of food to a person on the street, to crossing an old woman, to playing with your children if you don’t do it very often or a phone call to your parents.

2 – Relate to others

Something that is being lost in recent times due to social networks, mobile and technology. It is true that it also allows you to shorten distances, but it is becoming less frequent to meet a friend in a bar or restaurant.

Teddy bears cuddling on top of a suitcase

Relating “face to face” with a loved one connects you with the other, with their opinions, their feelings, their ideas, their beliefs. It allows you to meet each other and have a good time together.

3 – Do physical exercise

It is true that not everyone likes to go to the gym out of obligation. However, it is because they have not yet found the discipline that they are passionate about or see that time as one more task among the “hated” of the routine.

Playing sports not only improves the figure, reduces kilos and increases heart or respiratory health, but also positively influences our mood and quality of life in general.

4 – Appreciate the details

Less and less people enjoy the sunrise or sunset, a flower, a child’s smile, etc. Appreciating the little gifts that life offers us is missing a large part of existence.

Woman doing sports

Stop to watch the changes in the plants or trees when autumn arrives, find pleasure in the smallest such as a homemade meal, a walk in the park, a movie, a book, the perfume of a rose, etc.

5 – Explore

It does not mean dressing up as “Indiana Jones” and going to find the lost ark, nor does it mean signing up for an expedition to the Amazon. It is simply about learning new things on a daily basis, which involves a challenge and a change.

This modification in our attitude will make us much happier, it will keep our brain in shape (yes, the mind is a muscle that needs to be exercised) and it will prevent the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

6 – Have goals

It has been proven that people who have dreams and projects are the happiest. Those who do not have goals are not motivated by anything in life, which is why they are more likely to feel depressed or that their existence is meaningless. Knowing where we are going, what paths we must travel and even the obstacles to overcome brings us happiness.

7 – Be resilient

This means having the ability to overcome difficulties that appear at different stages of life. Being able to see the good in the bad (a half glass full), that mistakes are a teaching for the future, that what does not make us sad today will strengthen us tomorrow, or that guilt is useless, without a doubt It allows us to be much happier and more satisfied people, as well as grateful.

8 – Enjoy the emotions

How many times have we “saved” feelings that are not expressed later or when we do it is too late? It is not necessary to plunge into negative emotions and forget about positive ones, quite the opposite.


The happiest people are those who always focus on the good (as said before, a glass half full), those who give thanks for another day of life and enjoy their emotions, they are not afraid to express what they feel.

9 – Accept the changes

Fortunately, our passage through the earth is full of modifications of all kinds since we are born. It is not good to continually look at the past, but it is necessary to look forward and feel good and at peace with our decisions of yesterday. Changes are learnings too, don’t forget.

10 – Surrender

One of the secrets to being happy consists of being part of something greater than ourselves, that is, having a vision similar to that of the rest of the people around us. This goal can be found in different places or groups, such as religion, career, family, work, or a hobby.

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