Electrical Appliances Affect Our Brain, But … Do You Know How?

Electrical appliances affect our brain, but ... do you know how?

Electronic devices have become indispensable elements in today’s life. Technology as a whole has so many benefits and we have integrated it into our routine in such a way that it would be hard for many of us to imagine living without it. Saves time and makes almost all tasks easier. It also avoids mistakes and guarantees better results.

Many of the technologies are relatively recent. That is why the effects of the devices on human beings have only just begun to be studied. Although there are already conclusions in this regard, the truth is that it has not yet been defined exactly how they can  affect our health and if it is possible that the devices generate significant changes in the brain.

What is known is that the implications can be very important. In fact the recommendation is to avoid overexposure to electronic devices. This means not having them too close for too long. It also implies knowing how to periodically disconnect from them, in addition to being attentive to any symptoms, in case you begin to present health problems, that have no other identified cause.

The devices and the magnetic field they generate

That there is electromagnetic pollution is a proven fact. Both electrical and electronic devices generate a magnetic field, which, of course, influences the brain. Take as an example two devices in common use: the television and the computer.

In 1987 an experiment was carried out at the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Lodz (Poland). A group of pregnant female rats and a group of male rats were exposed to 4 hours a day in front of the television at a distance of 30 cm. The result in the females was that their offspring were smaller than normal in weight and size. And in males the weight of the testicles was reduced. In both, the amount of sodium in the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus decreased.

Regarding the computer, different studies have also been done. In one of them it was concluded that pregnant women who work in front of a computer are more likely to have abortions. In general, those who work in front of a screen, more frequently present these symptoms: dry mucous membranes, redness of the skin, dry eyes, pimples on the face and open pores, inflamed eyes, fatigue, migraines and stress.

All this is due to the fact that computers generate a magnetic field with positive ions, apart from the fact that screens reduce our flicker frequency. The ions are transmitted through the air and it is the user who somehow receives them. The devices can even cause you to suffer dizziness, dizziness, nausea, etc. The solution is to stay at least one meter from the device. This applies to both televisions and computers. In addition, when acquiring them, in both cases the TCO Certification must be required.

Appliances and the social world

Social life is perhaps the aspect that has changed the most in our lives thanks to electronic devices. The way we meet, interact and manage our ties with others is now very different. And it continues to be constantly renewed. Practically every year a new application or a new functionality emerges that once again modifies those daily communications.

One of the most salient aspects of these new forms of communication is that they break in easily, anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are or what time it is. There is always the possibility of receiving a message, a call, an email regardless of its relevance.

electronic gadgets effects

Therefore, the rules of the game in the modern world require us to  be attentive to many stimuli at the same time. It is common for the same task to be interrupted several times by someone’s communication. Then, you must restart the activity. It is then when a wear occurs called “cost / cost of change”. This tax is often paid when we take our attention away from one task, to dedicate it to another and then to refocus on what we were doing.

Similarly, the brain must be attentive to a flashing light or a chime that rings or a vibration that appears or a window that pops up. All these signals are interpreted in principle as a threat or emergency. It’s not that you’re scared to death when you see them. It means that your alerts go off and there is a little alarm going off inside you. Constantly and in the medium term, this translates into a dose of additional stress.

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