Don’t Let Anyone Tell You That You Can’t

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't

One of the words that perhaps we hear most from others is “no” when we present a project to them. “You can’t do this”, “you shouldn’t go there”, “it won’t work out”, “you shouldn’t try it”… Faced with this more common situation than we would like, the doctor and businesswoman Pilar Jericó recommends “landing your fears and put yourself in the worst, and from there defend your dream “.

That is why today, Pilar Jericó will be the protagonist of this article. A strong woman that you may know from her collaborations in various Spanish media. In addition to a doctorate in business organization, she has a degree in economics and a degree in leadership and behavior from Harvard University.

Precisely this woman, capable of starting companies when everything seemed to go against each other, is a vivid reflection of the fight against the famous “you can’t”. This influencer, writer and speaker has shown us the way to get ahead in the face of adversity with her advice, vicissitudes and keys to act when the social storm rages.

Never let anyone tell you that you can’t

For Jericó, fear is the main rival we have. Faced with a can’t, many people are terrified and paralyzed. Finally, this painful emotion enters our being with force and we convince ourselves that we really cannot.

Woman with clouds on her head

Nonetheless, fear is a necessary self-defense tool. Faced with altered situations, it allows us to be alert to protect ourselves. But, taken to the extreme, it causes paralysis and even terror, which results in a serious alteration of our behavior.

Therefore, in front of the famous you cannot that so many will tell you, you must understand your fear, overcome it and act in a way that no one stops you. However, this requires certain knowledge that we offer below so that you can rise above your worst omens.

Two techniques to overcome fear

In this sense, Pilar Jericó proposes two very useful techniques to overcome fears. So if you find that everyone around you terrifies you and tells you that you can’t, maybe you can put them into practice and decide if they are right or wrong.

Land to reality

The first technique that Jericó proposes is called the landing of reality. This case consists of listening to what others tell you and making those comments your own. That, plus the same fears you have, we have to ground them to be able to analyze calmly and calmly.

To understand it, better to give an example. In the case of Jericó, who decided to go to the United States to start a project while pregnant, everyone told her that it would be impossible and hinted that it would go wrong.

For this reason, the same businesswoman presents her own cases. For example, they told him that if he went to the United States for many months, he would lose clients. So he landed his fear, thought it over, talked to them and got everyone to understand him perfectly. I was fighting for a dream.

Woman walking

Put yourself in the worst and value the risk

The second technique proposed by Pilar Jericó consists of putting oneself in the worst of situations and assessing the implicit risk. To do this, we have to think about what can go wrong and know if it is really worth the sacrifice and work.

Jericó, again exemplifying with herself, did the same. What would be the worst thing that could happen to him on his American adventure? Maybe that your investment did not end in good port? Or maybe that the loneliness of being away from her friends brought her back to reality?

The fact is that we must analyze with measure and calm each one of the risks that we will run. Once done, we really have to know if we are willing to face them. So, if we decide that we are prepared to assume them, we must go ahead with all the consequences.

That is why Pilar Jericó concludes with very interesting reflections. Life goes by very fast, but the experiences we accumulate enrich us. So, if you really believe in something, analyze it and consider it achievable, why not do it? Perhaps it is better not to pay so much attention to the “you can not” and turn them into yes I can and nobody is going to stop me.

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