Beauty Is An Attitude

Beauty is an attitude

Beauty attracts and fascinates. We like harmonious faces, well-proportioned bodies and smiles that give off an inexplicable seduction. Physical attractiveness will always have power and that is something that no one can deny. Now, beauty without charisma remains hollow, empty and frivolous, because in reality, what really conquers is a person’s attitude towards life.

We live in a society where everything has a limited use and where consumerism makes us live faster than we should. Zygmunt Bauman defines this modernity as a liquid society based on the fragility of human relationships.

Everything flows very fast and gets out of hand because we do not make an effort to contain it. The beautiful and the new are valued as a reflection of the purest consumerism. It is something ethereal that is worshiped, and later undone.

In this way, any person obsessed with this type of interpersonal relationships based only on appearance and the need to have an impeccable physical appearance, is condemned to a kind of “programmed obsolescence”.

Handsome couple

Its useful life will be short, as long as its youth lasts. However, the real problem is in that inner emptiness where low self-esteem and an absolute dependence on external opinions are sensed. Towards those liquid relationships that do not last, and that only seek momentary profit. L to beauty, it should be more than just a physical package. It must be an attitude towards life.


The beauty of authentic people

There are people who hold an inexplicable secret. Perhaps it is the tone of his voice, calm and friendly, like someone who is not in a hurry for anything. Or perhaps their gazes, attentive and wise, capable of reading gestures and intuiting thoughts.

There are those who have such a subtle and powerful appeal that we don’t really know what fuels it. Their faces can be uneven, their bodies not very athletic… However, the attraction they give off is undeniable.

For what is this? Sometimes the real attraction resides in that personality that has known how to train itself, that has resolved its insecurities, that has covered its deficiencies and that, in turn, has an inner knowledge where there is no hesitation, where there is no doubt.

Now, it is clear that perhaps, they do not attract our attention when we cross them on the street, they do not appear in the magazines or they will be especially photogenic in the cameras. And even so, there is an essence that does not go unnoticed right from the first moment we begin to know them.

Woman smiling

Being beautiful or beautiful is something that genetics confers on us, it may or may not touch you, but the authenticity that exudes that attractiveness that lasts and that truly captivates a heart is something that we learn over the years, and that is enjoyed when it is discovered. .

And you … have you done it yet? If not, let us invite you to reflect on it.


The power of self-made beauty

We all have a small interior space where we hide our frailties. There are those who feel insecure because of those extra kilos, because of those wrinkles that already appear on their faces or because of that nose that was never as beautiful as that of your brothers.

There are those who are cowed by the contempt that some person or persons have caused them at some point in their life. A childhood of bullying, for example, causes many internal wounds that are difficult to recover from.

In these cases, far from holding a grudge or storing hatred, the ideal is to deactivate all those external pressures to get in touch with our interior and simply heal ourselves. Release burdens, tensions, regrets towards friends or family that at some point, failed us.

Prioritize yourself above all of them, above every comment, attack or contempt. You are more than words, you are your attitude, your strength and your ability to be happy. If you connect with that inner security that gives you self-esteem and poise that whoever enjoys as he is, you will have a long way to go.

Woman getting up happy



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