After Certain Hells, Not Just Any Demon Burns

After certain hells, not just any demon burns

No hell is pleasant, but there are hells that burn without compassion just by approaching them. It is difficult to get out of there and rebuild the skin after having brushed its embers, but we know that it is possible. Have we ever managed to recover from the deep wounds they had inflicted on us.

For that reason we now know well that we will not let any demon lead us to hell and burn us. In other words,  we have suffered a lot and fighting against suffering has made us stronger. So now we wear the smile of the brave and we don’t allow ourselves to be hurt so easily.

In order to understand this article well, it is necessary to clarify that we consider hell metaphorically: we refer to hard moments in our lives or periods of time in which we have felt blocked in the face of circumstances.

Hells have weak points

Any maze, no matter how convoluted and confusing, has a way out. It is true that it is not easy to find it with the naked eye, but sooner or later it can be found.

A hell is not much different: it has weak points through which you can escape and breathe. However, finding these weak points requires several things on our part: a considerable effort to stay on our feet until we achieve it and a deep self-discovery of who we are.

When everything that surrounds us and recognized us does not seem to recognize us, it is necessary to fight not to lose our way. At the time when we have plunged into hell, it is essential not to forget motivations, dreams, learning, etc. Thus, we will always find the strength to continue looking for the exit.

Firmness makes us strong

The word firmness is synonymous with integrity, constancy and moral strength. Acts with this quality who in some circumstance of his life has not been dominated or depressed by something that wanted to weaken him. In this way, dealing with and directing the power  of our emotions makes us strong.

The title says that “after several hells, not just any demon burns” because the hells seek to shake our mental balance. Since you gain firmness and strength after going through them, it is no longer so easy for them to knock us down or burn us.

Whoever comes into our life with that intention will have to do much more. We have learned and, therefore, it will not be so easy to achieve it.

We have to keep fighting

With the path of self-discovery and the practice of firmness in difficulty, one learns, because difficulty teaches. But what exactly? Above all, one learns to understand that as long as we hear the heart beat, we must bet on that opportunity that still maintains a thread of union with life.

You learn to keep smiling by thinking about the good that is behind that difficulty and you assimilate that that smile is stronger than any damage. In addition, the hells discover us in recesses in which we would never have imagined before and tools of overcoming with which we did not have.

They teach us to overcome, to pick up on the good side of pain, not to run away without facing the problem. In short, the hells show us the most hidden face of our personality: survival and resistance.

The sole of my shoes

As the Indian sage Shantideva states : “Where could enough leather be found to cover the surface of the earth? But with just the leather on the soles of my shoes it is as if the whole earth is covered with it ” .

What does Shantideva mean to us with these words? When we interpret the world as a threatening place, we tend to blame it for almost all of our ills. It would be almost impossible to walk all over the earth without shoes. We would end up with feet full of cuts. But if we had some shoes, we could walk wherever we wanted. The same is true of hell. Hell is not outside, it is inside, in our mind. 

The shoes represent the control of our mind. If we are able to control our mind we will stop interpreting the world as hell. And as we have more control of our emotions and have learned from our worst moments, fewer and fewer things can destabilize us.

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