5 Foods To Improve Mood

There are many resources that we have at our disposal to improve our mood. One of the simplest have to do with the food we eat.
5 foods to improve mood

Mood can be improved by including a number of foods in the diet on a regular basis. It is clear that the nutritional pattern influences the body in many different ways, and can also affect emotional states. For this reason, it is convenient to guarantee that the supply of nutrients is optimal, to avoid alterations that put the state of health at risk.

First of all, special emphasis must be placed on the need to get adequate rest each night to prevent the mood from worsening. A restful sleep is necessary to ensure hormonal balance in the internal environment, which will influence the functioning of the human body at all levels.

Foods to improve mood

Next we are going to present you the foods that you should introduce in the diet to improve mood. Remember that they have to be included in the context of a balanced and varied pattern so that they can develop their effects correctly.


Pepper is among the foods to improve mood

Pepper is a species that stands out for its capsaicin content, the substance responsible for its spicy flavor. Despite the fact that it is an element with a slight irritant capacity, its intake is related to an increase in the feeling of well-being. This is because it acts as an anti-inflammatory and as an analgesic, according to a study published in the journal Rheumatology .


Legumes are a source of B vitamins. These nutrients are essential to achieve optimal transmission of the nerve impulse. They also manage to provide magnesium, a mineral that is related to a good rest and that helps to avoid low spirits. This is evidenced by research published in Nutrients .

On the other hand, chickpeas concentrate a large amount of tryptophan inside. We are talking about an essential amino acid necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, the neurotransmitter linked to the feeling of happiness and well-being. It is important to get a daily intake of the nutrient to avoid alterations in mood and to improve the quality of sleep.


Eggs are foods with a good nutritional density. They manage to provide proteins of high biological value, that is, with all the essential amino acids. They also have a significant concentration of B vitamins. They even contain vitamin D, a nutrient deficient in the general population.

Thus, the inclusion of eggs in the regular diet is recommended. They can help avoid nutritional deficits and improve mood. They are also essential for people who do sports, since they stimulate the adaptations of muscle tissue. Gone is the myth that these foods are dangerous for cardiovascular health.

Eggs are among the foods to improve mood


The unsaturated fats of the omega-3 series are necessary to maintain homeostasis at the inflammatory level. Thus, it is possible to improve the mood and prevent depressive processes. As if this were not enough, avocado also contains other key nutrients for the central nervous system, such as magnesium and potassium.

Despite the fact that it is a fruit with high energy density, it will help us to include it in the diet frequently. It will not generate an increase in body weight as long as the dietary pattern is balanced, so you do not have to worry too much about it.

Whole grains

Whole grains are also foods capable of providing tryptophan in significant quantities, as well as B vitamins and magnesium. However, it is important to check the labels carefully before choosing these products. Sometimes, they can contain added sugars, something that is counterproductive for health.

Include foods to improve mood in your diet

It is possible to improve mood and mood by increasing the presence of certain foods in the diet. However, an optimal pattern will have to be complemented with the implementation of other healthy lifestyle habits if we want to maximize the effects of this change. Only by optimizing the supply of nutrients we will advance, but probably less than we would like.

We recommend doing strength exercise on a daily basis and improving sleep hygiene to get about 7 hours of quality sleep, with the minimum number of interruptions possible. This will achieve a state of homeostasis in the internal environment, which will reduce the risk of experiencing alterations in the emotional state that could lead to depression or anxiety.

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