What Is The Miracle Question?

What is the miracle question?

Imagine that tomorrow your alarm clock rings and when you wake up you notice that a miracle has occurred and all your problem has disappeared. How could you realize that the problem for which you came for consultation no longer exists? ” This is the beginning of working with the miracle question technique.

This work methodology is within solution-focused therapy, with its highest representative Steve de Shazer. The work is aimed at finding the exceptions in the patient’s life, that is, finding situations in which the problem is not present and enhancing and maximizing them as much as possible.

The therapy focused on solutions would fall within the group of so-called brief therapies, of about ten sessions. What is sought with the “miracle question” is that the patient quickly realizes how his life would change if his problem were not there or suddenly disappeared.

Sometimes we are so immersed in problems that we put aside all the good that happens to us every day, we focus only on the bad and we are unable to get out of this spiral. With this question we have the opportunity to make a miracle happen, to realize what would happen if again we are lucky enough to wake up and not have the problem.

Boy looking at a burning candle

What prevents us from doing what we want?

“I could tell that my problem is gone if I got up and didn’t feel the pain in my chest. If I could have a leisurely breakfast without looking at the clock every two minutes, if I could wake up my children without rushing and tell them how much I love them. I would realize it because I would kiss my partner as soon as I got up and I would be aware of how lucky I am, to have a family and a job. I would forget my stress for a moment and enjoy the peace of having breakfast together ”.

The miracle question has to be carried out by a specialized therapist, who guides the patient’s narrative and allows us to see the details that are being lost by focusing on their problem. These types of questions help us to realize what has changed and what is not being done because of the problem.

Looking inside ourselves and imagining what would happen if “it was okay” gives us the factors of change and the objectives to achieve. Is there something external that prevents me from getting what I want or is it I who is setting limits to move forward? Many times we are the ones who put the stone to stumble. Imagining a better day to day also brings us closer to knowing what we want to achieve.

Two friends thinking about the future

Work after the miracle question

After checking and realizing what the problem has changed in my life, the actions come. Within this solution-focused therapy is also the technique called “butterfly effect.” This exercise helps us to see that after a small change the others are happening, almost in a chain way.

We cannot stop to imagine what would happen or see how things are changing, it is time to take control of the day to day and start building. Realizing what the problem occupies in my life is perhaps the most difficult step, but once we are aware, it is easier for us to start acting.

The miracle question could be considered the starting gun, but after that there is still a lot of work to be done. The factors of change and the objectives to be achieved are set by us, after realizing everything that we like and our problem prevents us from doing. Let’s take control and start working on it.

And now I ask you, what would happen if you wake up tomorrow and everything that causes you discomfort today has disappeared? Start wondering what you could change in your life. Imagine and create the possibilities of a better day to day.

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