For All Bad Or Disappointment, Time And Shoes

For all bad or disappointment, time and shoes

There is no harm that does not cure a certain time and a good pair of shoes. Because every disagreement, disappointment or sad bitterness is not resolved by just waiting or staying in the same black hole, the one that sooner or later will end up collapsing. The penalties are escaped by walking, turning the page and putting distance in between with that exceptional footwear: self-love.

William Gibson, a well-known science fiction writer, said that time moves in one direction, forward, but people are often sad captives of our memory, and therefore, of that past where nothing new happens, where that perfume of Apathy, expiration and missed opportunities envelops everything.

Somehow this is how we get caught in our own networks after a disappointment or a misstep of fate. There where the spirits, the desire and the strength fall despite the fact that we continue to get up every day, despite the fact that we move through the world like automatons with rusty skin due to internal tears. It is in this situation, when there is someone who with all the will and good intentions tells us that of “do not worry, because time heals everything.”

However, it is not as easy as it sounds. Because those who are hurt do not advance, those who remain trapped in the crust of rage, the roots of bitterness and the veil of resentment are still locked in a parallel dimension where it will not matter if three, six months or even a whole year pass.

Thus, something that we should remember is that time by itself does not heal, what heals is what one does during the course of that time.

woman with tiger

The gods of time Cronos, Kairos and Aión

When a person faces a complex personal moment, whether due to some loss or any of those crossroads for which no one is prepared, almost always assumes that the grief itself, with its three months of rigor, will weaken the pain, calm the doubts and will refocus emotions with strengths. However, this formula does not always work, because whoever believes that the god of time himself passed over us to erase the penalties in an act of great altruism, is wrong.

Now, what will be of great interest to us is to remember that in reality,. Cronos is the best known to all of us. It represents the external and uniform time, with its past, and its future, that which we can measure by observing the movement of the stars or simply concentrating on the ticking of our clocks. On the other hand,  Aión symbolizes the duration of one’s life, a life course formed in turn by several cycles.

However, who really interests us on a psychological level and when investing in our personal growth, is the young god Kairos. It is he who, remaining right in the center of the two previous deities, represents the opportunity , he who invites us to live in the here and now, reminding us that each one of us is made with certain virtues, defects, capacities and values, but at the same time ,: because we are obliged to move forward, to heal to assume new learning every day.

woman on an owl

Thus, it never hurts that in our day to day we learn to conceive time in a more accurate, integrative and even therapeutic way. It is only a matter of understanding that Cronos and Kairos always go hand in hand, time and opportunities for healing and growth occur periodically and you have to know how to take advantage of them.

An example of this is found in a type of coral reef that extends off the coast of Florida. Their only chance to continue growing and thus curb their extinction occurs seven days after the full moon in August: that is when they begin to spawn, right at sunset. An unrepeatable magical moment, a moment where the real opportunity is born.

To conclude, do not hesitate to make time your best engine of change, that breath in which to grow taking advantage of every opportunity while your feet, your attitude and your smile without expiration date, take you where you propose and deserve. There where the most beautiful coral reefs grow.

Images courtesy Lucy Campbell

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