Your Last Day

Conforming and being passive does not require effort, however success requires a minimum of will to fight and win. Do you want us to help you make that little change?
Your last day

Everyone at some point has reached a point where we feel the immediate need to make a big change, be it work, social, spiritual or personal. We all always have that “something” that we need to change. What would you do if it was your last day? Would you like not to have changed it?

Every day I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself: if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today? If the answer is NO for several days in a row, I know I need to change something ”. Steve Jobs.

What happens many times is that we do not know how to make that big change or we do not have the courage to make it. There are many people who wait for the moment when “the perfect opportunity” presents itself. Or have a knock on your door and someone give you the change you need. That will not happen, because the change must start from one.

On many occasions, either we inhibit ourselves or we do not know how to take advantage of opportunities. Opportunities for change come time and time again and we just can’t identify them. At other times, we identify them and out of fear of the unknown, we let them drift away to always wait for that easy opportunity or that “perfect moment” to make our big change.

Woman worried about making a change

Your last day the same: This action can change everything

You will never reach that ideal state in which it is totally conducive to making a big change. There are always going to be risks and things that make it hard for us to get rid of. So if you’re waiting for that perfect moment to take action, it’s never going to happen. What you have to do is create the perfect moment, the ideal opportunity and the situation that you expected.

When you take the courage to make a change in your life that may intimidate you at first or take you out of your comfort zone. But you are going to discover some talents and abilities that you have that you didn’t know you had. You will discover that having everything you wanted was a matter of making up your mind and that all your dreams can come true if you want them enough to go after them.

If you are not what you want to be, if you do not have what you would like to have, if you are not where you think you should be, it has nothing to do with bad luck or karma. It has to do with the fact that you are not making a sacrifice and you are not doing something different to change it.

Woman stressed about not making a change in her life

How much do you want to change?

There are many people in the world who settle, stop dreaming, stop believing, stop wanting other things and do not advance any further. People trapped in jobs they don’t like, people who get up very early every day to follow a routine that is making them sick. People who continue to interact with people they do not want. Why?

Maybe you’ve reached a point where no one else believes that you will be different or change your situation, and this is a very frustrating feeling. You feel a lot of loneliness and despondency, particularly when this feeling comes from family or friends.

Sadder still, most people take their greatness, their ideas, their dreams, and their goals to the cemetery. And it is that, in the cemetery, we are going to find the ideas that were never shown to us, changes and visions that never came true, aspirations and dreams that were never pursued.

Will is required, but the payoff is huge

It’s so easy to fail in life, it doesn’t take effort to be a loser, it doesn’t take any motivation or aspiration to stay at that low level. However, it takes everything you have to cultivate your will to change your life.

Ultimately, some changes require just an honest decision, other times it’s a lot of little things done right. Do not run away from your situation, do not put more “buts” in your life, take it all and turn it into the perfect opportunity. You will never know if it is your last day.

In fact, waking up in the morning is not guaranteed for any of us. So today is the great day you were waiting for, and only if you risk change will you know how far you can go. The question is, are you going to make your actions match what you want for your life?

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