The Decalogue Of A Good Colleague

A good co-worker makes any job more enjoyable. We spend a good part of our lives working, so having constructive people around us is essential. Also, of course, we can help you by being good company for others.
The Decalogue of the Good Workmate

A good co-worker, in this area, is perhaps one of the best gifts that fortune can give us. Think of all the time you spend at work. If you have someone next to you who you can count on and who makes your day to day more pleasant, everything will be simpler and more pleasant. Obviously there are other variables, but this is one of the most important ones.

Of course, we all want to have a good co-worker. The question is whether we ourselves have that capacity and that attitude to be that excellent colleague that everyone wants to have by their side. He thinks that social exchange works thanks to reciprocity, that the treatment that we dispense to others will condition, and much, what we receive.

On the other hand, the dictionary says that a partner is one who is willing to accompany another. And accompanying means being there, present, attentive and willing to exert a positive influence. Now, we have named some of its effects … but what are those characteristics of a good co-worker? The following decalogue defines them.


1. Respect as the basis of everything

A good coworker is one who knows how to respect others. This means knowing how to accept others as they are, admitting differences naturally and without the desire to cancel them out. It also means knowing how to address others with the consideration and kindness that one would also claim for oneself.

2. Know how to share available resources

It is not uncommon for multiple resources to be shared on a job site. This is one of the most common sources of labor conflict. The right thing to do is to create mechanisms so that everyone can benefit from these resources. Knowing how to give in at a given moment, while being assertive to protect our right to use them.

3. Offer guidance when required

We all sometimes have to ask others for help to complete a task or solve a problem. A good co-worker is willing to provide guidance when required. It is not about doing the things that correspond to another, but about complementing those elements, tools or concepts that the other does not have.

4. Support when needed

There is no one who is free from a bad day or a bad moment. In those moments, the support of a partner is a true blessing.

This does not mean that you become the other person’s therapist, but that you understand and remain silent if that person is irritated or that you offer a word of encouragement if you find that they are in low spirits. Those little details can make a big difference.

5. Assume the mistakes of others with maturity

It is also clear that we all make mistakes not once, but many times in personal and work life. A bad coworker will take advantage of those mistakes to tease you or make you a point of reference to emphasize the failures.

On the other hand, a good partner will understand that it is normal for the other to make a mistake and will collaborate to correct the error.

6. Know how to listen

Knowing how to listen is an active task in which we have to direct our attention to what the other tells us. We have to process this information, linking it to what we already know. It is equivalent to being attentive to the world of the other, trying to understand it on its own terms and valuing what it says in its proper measure. Good listening is a sign of openness and strengthens good communication in general.

7. Go to dialogue

Dialogue is the way to resolve any conflict that may arise. It is a skill that is very constructive when working in a team.

It is not good to be silent if something bothers us, but it is not appropriate to turn it into a problem of great proportions. Expressing oneself calmly and directly, when faced with an inconvenience, is a characteristic of a good co-worker.

8. Learn from those who know the most

Many people resent finding out that a partner knows more than they do. This is not smart.

The reasonable thing is to open the mind to learn from those who know more than we do. Listen to what they have to say and take advantage of the fortune of having someone close by who has a lot to offer.

Co-workers in the office

9. Cooperate, rather than compete

Cooperating is working as a team, under equal conditions. Provide the best you have to achieve a common goal. In short, fulfill the part that corresponds to each and do it in the best way.

Competing, on the other hand, is to focus on individual goals, with the purpose of putting ourselves above others. An old proverb says that alone we go faster, but altogether we go further.

10. Recognize the achievements of others

An insecure or low self-esteem person will have a hard time recognizing the achievements and successes of a couple. A good coworker is also one who is able to value the achievements of others and give them the value that corresponds to them. This creates and maintains a good work environment.

The Decalogue of a good coworker is not a test for you to evaluate others. Rather, it is an inventory of patterns, which you may be interested in taking as a reference to become valued companions.

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