To Foolish Words, Clever Ears

To foolish words, clever ears

Hurtful words, judgments, unfounded opinions, malicious criticism, etc. Each of them are silly words that need intelligent ears that do not give them credit or pay attention.

In other words, it is not the one who wants to offend but the one who can and in our intelligent ears is the key that someone manages our reality or gets lost in insinuations that only discredit their image.

As they say, “what John says about Peter says more about John than about Peter . So before giving importance to those “advice”, “opinions” or “criticisms” that do not bring us goodness, usefulness or truth, we must consider the intentions of the person in front of us.


Smart ears for critical people

There is no better sign of emotional poverty than continued and malicious criticism. In any case, constantly dealing with silly words often leads to great emotional exhaustion. Thus, we must be clear that:

  • To live we don’t need anyone’s opinion.
  • Emotions and feelings are always valid and we should not be ashamed of it.
  • You have to lose the fear of feeling and thinking about yourself.
  • Let’s avoid giving credit to those phrases that are totalitarian (never and always, for example) .
  • Listening to criticism and gossip constantly can overwhelm us and make us feel very bad.
  • We cannot forget that everyone should be respected, even when they are not someone who respects others. Leading by good example helps us ensure our emotional well-being.
  • It must be remembered that unsubstantiated criticism is made by people with great emotional and vital poverty. Therefore, if this person lives isolated in his resentment and does not admit help, it is in our interest to be emotionally selfish and walk away.
Butterfly on a bare shoulder

People at peace with themselves do not speak ill of others

Another step to form a protective shield and get smart ears is to learn to identify those phrases that are apparently innocent but that contain bad intentions behind them. These types of phrases are manifestly toxic in certain contexts:

  • When talking about a hobby or skill, the common “I wish I had time for that” is usually equal to “you don’t have as much work as I do”, “free time is an impossible matter for me, I don’t wander.”
  • “As is obvious” “As everyone knows.” No no and no. Not everyone knows it or is it obvious. The use of this type of appeals tries to make the other person feel ignorant and whoever pronounces them, superior.
  • “You do not have the right to comment because you do not know these issues as I do.”  They cannot take away the right to express our opinion or disqualify us by invalidating our arguments with phrases such as “your arguments are stupid and unfounded.”
  • “If my teacher says so, then it’s true.” These types of fallacies take advantage of the respect that one has for an expert to give weight to certain arguments.
Woman's face with birds in the center


  • “You make me feel awful.” Appealing to feelings and holding others responsible for them is another way to manipulate.
  • Also those expressions that try to excite people instead of offering valid arguments.
  • “Go where you want, but I’m not going there.” To end this sentence, it would be appropriate to add the tagline ” And you will be the ones to blame for not going, because you are selfish people who only think of you.” We get the message, right?

We must spend time improving ourselves and building intelligent ears, as this will help us maintain a healthy attitude towards life and cement our relationships on good communication and better understanding.

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