Every Moment Is Part Of Your Life (Mindfulness)

Every moment is part of your life (Mindfulness)

The best way for us to understand what this difficult-to-pronounce current consists of is by reviewing its opposite: “the absence of perception of the present time”. What do we mean by it? We refer to when we do things automatically, as if we were robots or machines.

This is very common in jobs where tasks are routine and monotonous. Let’s imagine the typical and classic office where there are several employees doing routine tasks without perceiving what is happening around them or within themselves. It is as if their mind has floated away to a remote place, as if they were sleeping awake.

According to experts in Mindfulness (“Full Consciousness”), many of us find ourselves in a state of mental avoidance for several hours a day. Among other important consequences, the lack of “mindfulness” or “total awareness” can change the ability of human beings to enjoy what we are passionate about. In this state we can experience the sensation that the world around us is flat and nothing can draw our attention: surprise us, rejoice, sadden us, etc. Thus, friends, family or acquaintances can tell us that they see us “as absent”.

Society is changing its views and this is reflected in what companies around the world are looking for. And Mindfulness is no exception. Until recently, companies were looking for and targeting candidates who demonstrated the greatest ability to multitask successfully. But what were the consequences of this selection? Employees became more stressed and worried, because they were usually unable to accomplish all the tasks assigned to them. (((()))))))

Most of us have the belief that we can do anything, that we resemble demi-gods or superheroes in the movies. In reality, we are simple beings of flesh and blood. And having the ability to handle just a handful of issues at the same time is much healthier for our minds and our relationships.

Research indicates that by fragmenting our attention, we become less effective people. This also affects our mood, especially because we get to generate great anxiety wanting to finish all tasks very quickly without knowing what we are actually doing. 

This is how we do not give ourselves the opportunity to enjoy what we have in front of us. Thousands of things are going through our heads at the same time, from the market shopping list to the children’s school dismissal time, through what the boss told us before we left the office to the pending ones that we leave on the desk.

So, as a response to this common problem in adults in modern times, a concept called “mindfulness” or “total awareness” has emerged, a tool that helps us to be more focused and present in what we are doing.

How can we focus our attention? One of the most effective options is meditation. This exercise will help us direct our attention where we want, thus allowing us to act as its true directors; Furthermore, by doing this we will achieve a deep awareness of the present. Practicing meditation regularly will allow us to be more connected with our body and with the environment; on the other hand, we can also be more connected with our emotions and with our thoughts.

In addition to this practice, mindfulness recommends becoming aware of what we are doing at any time of the day. We can start with the simplest daily tasks, such as washing dishes, traveling to work or walking our pet. If we act we command our attention, the positive effect will be observed both on a personal, professional and family level.

We all have the ability to take advantage of “mindfulness”. To achieve this, we suggest the following steps:

1 – Try not to judge: Value judgments only serve to handle the situation in a single way. Recognize the facts before classifying whether something is good or bad.
2 – Be smart detecting those things that you can change and some things that you cannot. For the first, look for ways for the second forms and ways to accept them, to integrate them into your life, in such a way that they cause you the least possible damage.
3 –  Pay attention to emotions and thoughts, they deserve it: Stay alert to what you feel, identify what goes through your mind and your heart and above all, do not stop focusing on what you do.
4 –  Live the here and now : One of the pillars of the concept of Mindfulness is to be present in the present moment. How? Paying attention and intention to what you are living.

Photo courtesy of agsandrew

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