Five Keys To Develop Your Resilience

Five keys to building your resilience


The truth is that it would not be bad to go to the pharmacy and buy a few Resilencia tablets. One a day would be enough not only to see ourselves better in front of the mirror, but to inject ourselves with that necessary energy to learn to respond to adversity, or simply to that daily stress that work can bring us … or the rumor of life, always filled with good and bad things.

Resilience is gaining weight in recent years within the social sciences, and in the field of mental health. The reality is that it is a concept coined by physics, and it tells us about the power that some materials have to recover their original state in the face of certain circumstances that can deform and even fragment it.

How do we apply this property then in the human and psychological sphere? Can we perhaps return to our original state despite losses, betrayals, or failures?

The reality is that no. We will never return to that state, to that time when we were unscathed from everything and had not yet known the intricacies of life. But Resilience can teach us not only to learn from these effects, but to face them and come out gracefully from rejection, humiliation or any negative situation, which, surely, we have all had to assume.




Surely you know a case. Children who have grown up in disadvantaged family contexts, or in families with serious personal problems (abuse, alcoholism, poverty).

Not everyone who has had to spend their childhood in these situations , have reached maturity showing the psychological effects of such a dark past. There are those who have managed to overcome adversity to develop not only the sense of survival, but that of hope, adaptability, temperance and good self-esteem.

We must learn to separate the contexts from our own inner reality. Do you deserve a future of despair and suffering? Are you not worth the same or more than anyone? Why not learn to be happy by putting the past aside? After living in the dark, one already knows the shadows too much to be able to find the strength and face them.




People who adequately develop resilience are emotionally competent, but what does this mean? It means that they have autonomy to decide what is good and bad for them. It means that they have good self-esteem and that they know what they want.

People with resilience skills know what it’s like to go through a traumatic or complex event, where you need to be strong to survive. To let the days go by and not fear the future. You should know that we all have enough capacity to face adversity, to overcome and succeed. Don’t you deserve it?




How do we get access to that path from which to emerge strengthened? First of all, we must be clear about one aspect. Resilience is ordinary, not extraordinary. That is, we can all develop it. Being resilient does not at all mean being “immune” to pain, anguish or worries, on the contrary. Emotional pain must be assumed, and understood.

We must be realistic with what happens to us, while having a positive view of ourselves. Knowing how to manage emotions, accepting pain but setting goals and objectives for tomorrow. Never lose hope. Change is part of our life and we must accept it, because all this will make us grow as people, learning to be stronger. 

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