The Best Ways To Ruin A Love Relationship

There is no single or universal recipe to guarantee success in a relationship. But if there are guides that, if you follow them, they will surely ruin the relationship.
The best ways to ruin a love relationship

In this article we will introduce you to the best ways to ruin a love relationship. In many cases, people live in fear because they don’t want to ruin their relationship. However, in other cases, people seem to go out of their way to ruin it, worthily, perhaps out of fear of ending it in a way that would lead to confrontation and possibly harm to the other person.

You may be a very committed person to your partner, but there are attitudes of you or the other person that do not meet expectations. In the same way, there may be other circumstances that lead to a deterioration of the relationship. It happens in many cases, it is normal. You don’t have to feel different about it.

At other times, over time, you have discovered that the relationship does not fulfill you at all, but you do not know or you cannot break up with this person. Why is it that it is so difficult for us to end a relationship? Perhaps it is because we find it difficult to get out of the routine, start from scratch, or admit that we are wrong.

However, everyone has the right to make mistakes sometime. We are not perfect nor do we pretend. Even, sometimes it is well seen to admit that we were wrong, but that we are going to do everything possible to fix it.

Is being honest the best solution?

It may be in many cases, but in other cases where the problem is that you no longer like, are not attracted to or are not stimulated enough by that person, being honest can be quite hard, and it can hurt them a lot. That is why many turn to different strategies or advice on what to do with that person.

On these occasions, many people – and be careful, it is not what we defend here – do everything impossible so that it is the other person who takes the initiative to leave the relationship. By doing so, the blame would be shared. Although, of course, the person who accepts to behave in the way that we are going to relate, will have to endure all kinds of reproaches and disapproval from many, perhaps from people who matter to him.

Therefore, the question is, is it worth resorting to this type of trickery? Only you can decide if it is the right way or not. However, where is the moral, the sincerity, the courage?

The best ways to ruin a love relationship

  • Do not let your partner breathe for a moment, this apparently makes many people feel overwhelmed. Of course, if he is one of those who enjoys company, then telling him that you need your space every moment you want it will do the job too.
  • If you take your partner for granted, you will surely lose her from the start. If you do nothing for the partner and do not even show the slightest interest, you will be in danger of losing it at any moment. This person will not feel valued.
  • Stop talking to your partner. One of the worst ways to break up with your partner is to minimize communication. For example, not communicating anything: how you feel, the things that happen to you in life, not speaking by message, saying as little as possible, it drives anyone crazy. Ignoring your partner as much as you can, even when he talks to you about his things, is a guarantee of failure in that relationship.
  • Let the routine invade the love relationship. Do not make leisure plans, or travel, or go to places together. Not having points in common is one of the elements that can blow up the relationship.

In conclusion, ending a relationship is quite complicated, especially if we are concerned about hurting the other person. There is no infallible prescription for this, however, for better or for worse, it is a decision that you must make. The sooner the better, because the sooner you can reorganize your life.

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