The Secret Weapon To Achieve Your Goals

The secret weapon to achieve your goals

All successful people use a secret weapon to achieve their goals, although many times they are not even aware of it.

This secret weapon is used by executives, businessmen, athletes, and even students. Plus, it’s free.

Do you want to know what this powerful weapon is? Coming up next, we tell you.

Imagine it

This secret weapon so useful to achieve goals is none other than visualization. It consists of forming in your mind a crystal clear and clear image of what you want to achieve, of the success achieved.

For this, it is very useful to rely on images, visual reinforcements that help you remember your goal. A photograph, a drawing, a phrase, a famous quote, or a simple word: anything goes if it helps you revive your mental image, your vision of success, your success. But we’ll talk about that in detail later.

The secret weapon to achieve your goals

A very clear example is the case of athletes. Numerous studies in sports psychology show how effective visualization promotes sports performance. One of these studies found that just imagining lifting weights caused some change in muscle activity.

Many elite athletes use visualization to improve their performance and set their goals. But you don’t have to be an elite athlete to benefit from visualization. In another study, visualization used with beginning golfers showed that physical practice combined with mental imagery led to better results than just physical practice.

Visualization for everyone, for everything


Sport is just one example that we are going to dwell on a little more. Athletes train to improve, to win. Do you want to improve in your life, do you want to “win” a title, a job, a position, a person?

Practicing visualization will help you get there. If you have a goal, here’s how to achieve it:

-Practice visualization when you are relaxed. Right after waking up and before going to sleep are good times for this practice.

-Be clear about the desired result and make it come true in your mind. Imagine what will happen when you achieve your goal, with details. Think about how you feel, what you think, how you feel, as if it were real. Because it is real in your imagination. Try to engage all five senses to make it as realistic as possible.

-Be consistent with your visualization practice. It will get easier over time and it will become your secret weapon to achieve your goals.


Other tools to aid visualization


Many people use “vision boards,” which are collections of images of desired results. A vision board can be created from magazine pictures, pictures, and / or words. That does not matter. The important thing is that it represents your goals and that it is placed where you see it on a daily basis.

Affirmations are also very powerful in convincing yourself that what you want is a reality. An affirmation is essentially a statement about the desired goal.

It is important to write and recite the affirmations in the present tense (ie, “I have achieved or I am” and not “I will achieve or I will be”) and really feel the positive emotion behind that statement.

Both visualization and these tools are free and easy methods to help you achieve your goals. They will not replace the necessary measures, or the steps you have to take to achieve it, but they will motivate you to work hard and continue in the right direction.

Why visualization is such a powerful weapon


Rhonda Byrne, author of books like The Secret and The Power , among others, a model of motivation for many, says that the reason why visualization has so much power is because it creates photos in your mind where you see yourself having everything. what do you want. This means that you are generating thoughts and feelings that you have it in the present moment.

In other words, think positive and imagine how you want your life to be, since only then will you have a real opportunity to achieve what you want.

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