When Failure Annuls Us As People

Have you just suffered a failure? First of all, don’t worry, this is something that happens to everyone. Therefore, below we give you a series of tips to digest failure in the best possible way and thus be able to resume your life with the maximum possible optimism.
When failure annuls us as people

As human beings that we are, we inevitably go through times when we make mistakes due to inexperience, ignorance or simply because we have acted as we seemed best at the time. However, it is important to know how to manage these situations, since failure cancels us if we experience it as a tremendous mistake.

It is inevitable that in this situation pessimism, sadness and unease will flood us because it has not been possible to achieve what we really wanted. What’s more, many people can even fall into depression because they are not able to overcome what happened. However, life is not a bed of roses, and that is why it is very important to learn to overcome these situations.

What thoughts can help?

When the feeling of failure extends over time, it cancels us out. It makes you lose confidence in yourself and you find less reason to move on. Therefore, there are a series of thoughts that can facilitate this transition to well-being.

Almost everything has a solution

When someone suffers a failure, they usually punish themselves, blaming themselves for what happened and feeling that they are worthless. Hence, you can enter a period of stress, and even depression. However, after the event,  there is no better option than to get over it and continue down the road.

The main thought that can help you move forward is to ask yourself if what is considered to have been done has a solution, if it can be changed. As the popular saying well expresses: ” Everything has a solution except death. ” Surely, what happened could have been worse, and even if it doesn’t, in all likelihood there is a way to patch it up.

First, try to locate where the error is, and then think of other ways to act. As soon as you have several options in mind, the feeling of failure will dissipate. What’s more, even your superiors or loved ones can praise you when they see that you are a decisive person, who above all grows in the face of adversity.

In the event that you feel that you have failed with another person, the best way to fix it will be by asking for forgiveness. Many times we are unaware of the power of “I’m sorry, I was wrong. In this way, you will park the problem with the other person in record time and then you can do what you consider best to recover the relationship.

Have you tried hard enough?

Also, many times we deceive ourselves by blaming an external agent. However, that in the long run will not help us solve the problem. Therefore, it would not hurt to calm down and mentalize a bit by asking ourselves the following: To what degree have I been responsible for what happened? Have I really done everything possible to make what I was proposing work for me? If so, there is no choice but to accept it and try again by giving more of us.

Likewise, you have to take responsibility for the error and assume all blame. This does not mean that you have to psychologically flagellate yourself with what happened, but that you must understand your own implication and modify it the next time.

Ultimately, failure cancels us if we let it weigh us down. On the other hand, if we are able to see this event as an opportunity to learn and to be able to do better, it will be an enriching experience. As Truman Capote already said:  “every failure is the seasoning that gives success.” 

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