The Biggest Difficulties On The Road To Success

The biggest difficulties on the road to success

We do not usually take into account how much that person has had to try or what things he had to give up in order to “be what he is” today. The road to success is not “blow and bottle” or luck like winning the lottery. It requires work, effort, perseverance and dedication, among other qualities.

A phrase that tackles the issue of success in a really great way is the one pronounced by Winston Churchill: “Success consists of learning to go from failure to failure, but without despairing. The truth is that in most cases (if not all), the path to success hides several steps of errors and mistakes, but also a few more steps of perseverance.

No triumph is born out of nowhere, you have to roll up your sleeves and take action. During this period, many challenges and obstacles, complicated tasks and other issues that no one would want to face will await you. Also things that will scare you, that will limit your strength to continue or will “seduce” you to deviate from your goal.

What are the most difficult things we must face to be successful?

On the way to success we will encounter a series of obstacles that will put us to the test. If we face them, we will learn and be able to move on. However, this is not so easy, as there are some things that are difficult to do. Let’s see what they are.

Man pushing a stone

1. Give more than you get in return

The beginning is always difficult, this is written in the “entrepreneur’s manual”. You will have to invest time, effort and money in your project and sometimes it will seem that you are taking resources to throw them into a bottomless barrel that is never completed. Without a doubt, it will be a cause of demotivation, but you should not feel that way. The time will come when you will finally begin to see the bottom of the barrel, it will fill up and even fill up.

2. Give up various things

This is because large projects consume a lot of your time and energy. That is not easy to understand for most of the people around you (family, partner, friends, etc ). Surely you will have to face several fights or discussions, that leave you aside, that “take for granted” that you will not meet with them as before, and so on.

3. Pass for “fool” before your mistakes

Many people around you will not have confidence in you or in your project, but not because they are bad but because they do not understand what you are doing, they do not know how to look beyond their work in a dependent relationship, they are comfortable meeting office hours, they consider business to be for wealthy people, etc.

This means that when you make a simple mistake, they will be the first to say “I told you it wouldn’t work.” Do not go crazy or get angry with them, remember that society believes that everything is wrong until it reaches success.

4. Make “unexpected” decisions

Projects change over time, especially those that are on the right track. It is normal then, that in this period you have to modify the decisions, since you will have to adapt to the new demands or trends, to what the world “asks” in order to survive.

Woman before two roads

But be careful, this does not mean putting aside your values ​​or ideologies, simply that sometimes you will be forced to change course and make decisions that you would never have thought you would make.

5. Continue even if you fall

The stumbles in the race of success are more than frequent. Wounds will heal naturally, don’t worry. But the important thing is that you keep going, don’t stop because the fall hurts (which can be a simple slip or one that includes broken bones, metaphorically speaking, of course).

The lack of confidence, the demotivation when there is the repetition of failures should not make a dent in you. Never stop looking at the target even if you are lying on the ground.

6. Worry about those who don’t do it for you

You will deal with people who are not interested in your project, in your dreams, in your life, etc. Maybe you “run into” with those who just want to take advantage and take advantage of your business in one way or another. Success is never achieved alone, do not forget that, therefore, you will have to make some concessions sometimes.

Look for tough and tough allies, even if you don’t like them very much. Be careful, equally, in the way you choose your partners or collaborators, to avoid more problems and obstacles on your way to success.

7. Living with uncertainty

This will be one of your most loyal companions. When others are betting “on the safe side” (as mentioned before, a formal job with a fixed schedule, for example), you will be thinking of a riskier option. Undoubtedly this will lead to uncertainty, insecurity and fear.

Do not get carried away by what the rest do. Follow your own path to success and always remember this phrase: “to be an entrepreneur is to live some years as others will not, to live the rest of your life as others will not be able to”.

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