Reframe Your Life When Would Be The Moment To Do It?

Difficulties always inspire reflection. So, we can ask ourselves, what should we change? What would be better to leave behind? We analyze it below.
Reframe your life, when would it be time to do it?

Reframe your life. When to do it? What circumstances must occur to make a change and take other paths? Isaac Asimov said that change is inevitable and also the factor that makes a society progress. However, on a personal level, nothing is more complicated than looking at new horizons and assuming that what surrounds us now is not enriching or healthy.

Now, it is important, first of all, to delve into the term “rethink”. What does it really consist of? A rethinking implies starting from something already built, but being able to reformulate, revise or see the situation in another way. In other words, when it comes to generating change that allows us to progress, we rarely start from scratch. There is always a solid starting point.

Nobody makes a clean slate in a radical way, 180-degree changes sometimes take us away from things that are useful, necessary and that define who we are. Let’s start from a base, from solid values and perhaps recovering many of those dreams and aspirations that one day we left behind …

hand with lights symbolizing how to rethink your life

Rethinking your life: when and how to do it?

The need to rethink your life is something that appears at various times throughout your life cycle. The fact that this need, thought or sudden will happens responds to multiple events. Emotional breakdowns, unemployment, the loss of a loved one, and social crises often arouse this feeling.

Likewise, when this internal state arises, it is important to attend to it. Otherwise, we can chronify a state of unease, dissonance and constant contradiction. When needs are not transformed into actions designed to satisfy them, suffering emerges that adheres to everything and deforms it.

It is important to bear in mind that the field of psychology has been studying this reality for years. Thus, one area that addresses these situations is narrative therapy, basically focused on reformulating the present. This form of psychotherapy holds, for example, that our identities are determined by the way we tell ourselves about our lives.

Sometimes, it is necessary to deconstruct certain things, certain erroneous approaches or beliefs in order to then find new meanings to what we are, what we have and what we need. This exercise of reflection and introspection is ideal for rethinking many of the things that surround and affect us right now. Let’s see, however, when it would be appropriate to do so and how to do it.

Every loss prompts you to reformulate

After each loss it is good that you think about rethinking your life. Facts such as losing your job, going through an emotional breakdown or losing a loved one always imply reformulating certain dimensions and sometimes even making new decisions.

The psychotherapist Carl Rogers said that all of us have resources to improve our well-being. Thus, something we must bear in mind is that a rethinking does not always imply having to make a big change.

  • It is not necessary to leave our house, pack our bags or say goodbye to friends and family to go away. Not all change takes distance to find equilibrium.
  • The best change comes from within, from the attitude towards what happens to us, from the way we process and understand reality.
  • Any loss requires the acceptance of what happened and then rethinking new meanings and placing other purposes on the horizon capable of motivating us.

You have stopped recognizing yourself in what you do and in the people around you

Sometimes it happens. You find yourself involved in a dynamic and a daily context in which you no longer recognize yourself. That is to say, that job you have now may lead you to a day-to-day that is too stressful and demanding. It is also possible that your relationship with your partner has led to a routine devoid of affection, significance and hollow happiness.

You no longer see yourself in what surrounds you because nothing motivates you, your essences or values ​​are not respected. In these circumstances it is urgent that you start to rethink your life.

There is an interesting study, carried out at the Moscow State University by Dr. Cristina Kostromina, which fixes an interesting idea. The concept of personality has changed, to the point that we can already speak of dynamic personality. That is, we can all at a given moment become aware of the following:

  • Sometimes, what the environment offers us does not suit our needs. It is then that we are driven to make new decisions. These changes leave us with new values: decision, proactivity, innovation… These are dimensions that give dynamism to our personality.
  • On the other hand, in an increasingly fluid and changing society, we are almost forced to rethink big and small things every day. In each plan generated, in each variation we make, our way of being improves and adapts more skillfully to the environment.
Sad boy thinking about rethinking your life

Reframe your life because right now, you are unhappy

Sometimes the problem is not in the environment, at work, family or partner . Sometimes we reach an instant when we have lost the momentum, the illusion, the desire and even happiness. They are situations of great emotional and psychological complexity that force you to rethink your life.

The loss of happiness and motivation always has an origin that we must clarify. Nothing happens just because, nobody lets go of that internal light that illuminates well-being from one day to the next. It is necessary to delve into our psychological universe to know what is wrong and what is the origin of that state.

  • In these cases, we must look within ourselves and attend, for example, to our internal dialogue. The way we speak to each other and even the misconceptions we validate often determine this discomfort.
  • Disappointments, frustrated dreams, disappointments, existential crises … There are many realities that may be having a great impact on us and despite it, we do not know it. Neglecting what hurts inside has its impact, it alters us and little by little it extinguishes our vitality.

To conclude, rethinking our life is an exercise in mental well-being that we should all apply when we consider it. Let us become aware of it.

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