When You Don’t Know Where To Go, Follow The Perfume Of A Dream

When you don't know where to go, follow the perfume of a dream

A dream is only achieved when one feels free to transform his reality. However, sometimes, we have the clear feeling that society itself orchestrates a thousand and one tricks to clip our wings, to submit us to those molds where little by little we are subjected to a routine devoid of shine, of freedom.

In any bookstore we find endless manuals to teach us to achieve our dream and our objectives. We are told about determination, self-confidence and motivation. However, the subtle relevance of all those dream vetters that abound around us is not always described. We have pointed out a moment ago to society itself, to all those organizations that control us with their policies and ordinances. However, we should also talk about families or even educators.

MarĂ­a Montessori used to say that the first task of education is to “shake life”, but leaving it free to develop on its own. To this day, in many families and in many educational centers, instead of shaking, encouraging and lighting that spark so that children wake up to life in happiness, they limit themselves to fitting them into a series of parameters where to be homogenized.

. This is by no means an ideal terrain for dreams to germinate. We cannot forget that the great dreams that arise from the most refined minds are those that can change the world, those that help us aspire to a more dignified horizon, more full of wonders and possibilities.


Dreams make us evolve as people

Sometimes we have the distinct feeling that our personal and work settings are like minefields. We live in a very un-facilitating present: bureaucracy, corporatism, lack of investment in human capital and the rigidity of our social structures are authentic fences for our dreams.

Given all these enemies, sometimes we become aware that to achieve a goal it is necessary to give up something. There are many people who, for example, have had to break with the family to study that career or to be happy next to a person not accepted by the parents. It is also common that many entrepreneurs have to risk everything to bet on that project, for that dream in which nobody trusts, but where he invests effort, money, time and suffering.

All these examples are undoubtedly authentic acts of faith, acts of courage that reveal something to us that we must not forget. John Maxwell, an American writer and an expert in leadership and communication, explains that today talent is not enough to achieve our dreams. We must “battle” in many more areas. However, in all this daily struggle what we in turn achieve is to evolve as people.

The evolution and the breaking of all these molds is something for which the human being is programmed: surviving in the midst of adversity enables you every day to reach your goals sooner or later.


Now, as Wayne Dyer said, when you dance your goal is not to go to a certain place on the dance floor. It’s enjoying every step of the way. Therefore, far from getting frustrated for not having achieved our goals or having gaps in  the confidence we place in ourselves, we must be aware that this is a dance that never stops. If you do, the music turns off and you lose the rhythm, the magic, the motivation.

If there is something that human beings have always done since they looked at the sky and discovered the stars, it is to dream. No matter how dark the night is, how dense the jungle of our daily worlds is, dreams encourage us every day and rush us to fight, not to surrender. Because no dreamer is small and no dream is too big.

Images courtesy of Dimitria Milan

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