Family Ties Are Cared For From Empathy And Respect

Family ties are cared for from empathy and respect

Raising and especially educating children is not an easy task, as it can destroy family ties if it is not done properly. It takes tons of patience, love, and goodwill to build healthy and responsible parenting that helps children develop as well as possible, as well as continuing to care for the couple.

Other skills are relevant in this task, such as knowing how to listen to our children, learning to put oneself in their place, establish limits and be able to convey that feeling of belonging to a unique group that will provide them with security and protection such as the family. Although all this is also important with adults. Read on to find out how to nurture family ties and create strong bonds!

Saying “I love you”: the basis of good family ties

In the family, everyone has their own needs, as well as different qualities and abilities. This is why we do not all express our affection in the same way,  nor do we need to be told that they love us in the same way. Although it is important to communicate it.

Father looking his son in the eye

Sometimes we find it difficult to criticize constructively not only with adults but also with children and we dedicate ourselves solely to pointing out what they have done wrong. The problem is that something that can go unnoticed by us can have important consequences on the self-esteem of others, especially that of children. Thus weakening family ties.

Therefore, it is important to use part of our communication to express that we love them and what we like about them, as well as how important they are to us and to our family. In this way, we will nurture them with love and improve their self-esteem.

Strong family ties are nurtured by empathy and effort

Empathy is a great ally when conflicts occur at home. Trying to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes is not going to make the discussion end instantly, but it will help us understand it a bit more. In addition, it will make it easier for us to explain that we understand your opinion even if we do not share your point of view, helping to reach agreements that benefit everyone.

Putting ourselves in the shoes of others will facilitate another fundamental fact to strengthen family ties: valuing the efforts of others. When we try to change or do something to improve the coexistence at home, we do not always succeed the first time. Letting others tell us that we are trying and that they appreciate it will motivate us to improve. 

This recognition will work as a reinforcement that enhances those behaviors that help us make family relationships better. Now, the change will take place gradually.

Caring for rights and duties fosters family ties.

Within the family home, all members have their obligations. In this plane, it is important that they are delimited and consistent. But how and when to hold the little ones responsible for household chores? Here it is important to take into account the age of the children and ask them for things based on their abilities.

Family looking at the starry sky

Since they are one year old, they can be asked simple tasks that boost their self-esteem. Thus, they can collect their toys, help us carry an object from one place to another or clean something that they have stained. Also, telling them how well they are helping us and how important they are to the family will make them feel better.

Just as we have duties, we also have our rights that must be respected at home. The problem comes when, when setbacks arise, we give up those rights. It is important to know how to do it so that the coexistence is good, but it is also relevant that the same person does not always yield.

In other words, the rights of some family members cannot be respected more than those of others. Finding balance in this regard will prevent unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings from arising as well as negative emotions that undermine family ties.

Images courtesy of Nathaniel Tetteh, Annie Spratt, and David Straight.

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