There Is Nothing More Beautiful Than Your Smile

There is nothing more beautiful than your smile

Every day try to draw a smile on your lips, try to transmit your joy to others, to enjoy every moment of life, distributing smiles. Do you remember when you were a kid playing in the park? You couldn’t stop smiling while running, while playing with other children. Now you can’t smile that way anymore, but you can make an effort to do it again.

It is not necessary that you feel happy to smile, just smile, because the power of a smile lies precisely in changing yourself, in making you see different things when you draw it on your face, when you angle the corners of your lips upwards, your eyes will see life of another color.

The benefits of your smile

Smiling benefits your state of mind, what you transmit to others will be positive, smiling helps you to make yourself known, to have a connection with other people and to improve how you feel. A smile makes you feel good. When you smile, the body releases endorphins and serotonins into the bloodstream, thus reducing pain and improving the immune system and, therefore, our defenses.

Woman smiling in the field

Smile to be happy

A smile has a very positive effect on yourself. There is a two-way communication route between our body and our brain. In a sense, when something makes you feel happy, your brain gives your body the command to smile.

In the other sense, that is, if you smile, even when you have no reason, your brain receives this information from the muscles of your face, it understands that you are smiling and that there is something that makes you happy, so to be congruent, your Emotional state begins to shift towards optimism and joy.

Charles Darwin, already talked about this theory and found that if an emotion is simulated, that emotion can be provoked in our mind. Therefore, regardless of how you feel, sad, happy, disappointed, tired, smile and you will be happier.

Smile to be forgiven

If you have made a mistake, ask for forgiveness and do it with a smile. Making mistakes is human, and assuming that we have made a mistake and asking for forgiveness as well. It is about smiling not laughing, about accompanying our apologies with a sincere smile. There are studies that show that a smile is our sincerity and that, therefore, it is easier to forgive a person who smiles.

Smile to seduce

The smile is a powerful way to seduce, by smiling we show ourselves closer, happier, more accessible. If you want to meet someone, that your weapon is a smile, that is drawn on your face in a sincere way, to show who you are. Both men and women use our best smile when we want to conquer someone, it is a form of seduction, one more element that accompanies gestures and words.

Couple looking at each other

But seduction is not only used in relationships, it can also be used in professional life, for example, in a meeting to achieve what we want in the negotiation, to show our empathy and reach satisfactory agreements.

Smile to provoke emotions

Have you ever noticed what happens when you smile at a child? Usually, it automatically smiles back at you. This also happens with adults, probably if you smile at a stranger on the street, they will smile back.

Therefore, smiles provoke positive emotions in others. Smiling makes you happy, and also the people around you, because you send, through your smile, the signal that you are sociable and close. Also, don’t forget, smiling is contagious.

The fact that if you smile they smile back at you is due to the effect of mirror neurons, you smile, the other person smiles and a positive emotional change occurs in you and in the other person.

Instructions to smile

Think of something beautiful, something that you like a lot, someone who excites you, draw an image in your mind and feel that image, feel what it causes you, how it moves you, and little by little a slight movement of your lips will be generated, let your mouth arch and your lips show your teeth, let your eyes smile at the same time, let the happiness of that smile drawn on your face invade you and your smile spread.

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