9 Months Pregnant In A Wonderful 4 Minute Video

9 months pregnant in a wonderful 4 minute video

Feeling a heart beating inside you is an experience reserved for women. However, thanks to advances in technology, 4 minutes are enough to make us accomplices of how wonderful the creation of human life is.

9 months pregnant to create a genuine soul, a small personality, a tiny little body that will vibrate hundreds of souls in your life, which will undoubtedly make the world somehow.

If we stop to think about this, we will realize that Because that’s magic, the splendor of the manifestation of a natural process that all of us who see this video have achieved.

The union of life gives rise to existence

The union of life gives rise to more life, to the existence of a new being. That is why this process is even more magnificent than it seems in everyday life. Two cells that, thanks to an exchange, come together to offer the world a gift: a baby.

Then the woman, the source of sustenance for the child to come, begins to experience numerous changes in her body. An angel grows within you, an angel that will probably initiate the appearance of the deepest love that exists.

That is why this video, offering us the possibility of understanding how we create ourselves, is a beautiful tribute to our nature, making us feel that nothing is as wonderful as conception and life itself, of which we are all participants in one way or another.


A beautiful process that starts a strong bond

Usually from the moment of conception a beautiful bond begins to be created between the mother and the baby and between the father and his offspring if the situation arises. This is a natural mechanism that favors the survival of the species.

In the womb of our mothers, we learn to play, to feed ourselves, to protest, to recognize our environment and to bond. In fact, nature, which is wise, makes the offspring be able to recognize the smell and the voice of the mother even as soon as it is born.

The  mother ‘s love  provides a sixth sense, an instinct to know how to give love in every moment. This is the best survival manual for mothers and children, who usually resort without hesitation to make use of their special sense, their protection and their love.

mother and her baby surrounded by hands

It is  a type of love that grows exponentially every day, that has no measures, limits or conditions and that is always offered in a disinterested way. And it is that a child begins to love during the 9 months of pregnancy in a way so special, sweet and intense that it cannot be compared to anything.

This video evokes the idea that in conception lies the beginning of immense love and the magic of the fantastic creation that is life. That is why our skin bristles, it makes us smile and recreate ourselves in its tenderness, because conception is the magic of our world.

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