Nature Gives Me Back The Joy That The World Takes From Me

Nature gives me back the joy that the world takes from me

If you are sad you should take a simple walk surrounded by nature. If you don’t miss it, walk twice as much. There is no overdose when you enjoy the good, when the silence of the trees breaks the monotony of the words we speak daily.

Sometimes we think so much that we go unnoticed by ourselves and that happens to a greater extent the further away from nature we are. Enjoying nature is a practice that gives us a feeling of freedom and well-being.

Even if you declare yourself a fan of the metropolitan and the energetic environment that lives in a large city, you may not have stopped to think that in the city there are also small islands of nature that provide you with energy without you having noticed it.

Nature is not there to give us lessons or to faithfully reproduce everything we see in it. Nature is the artistic framework that defines our life and work as human beings. A finite and also unpredictable good, which we must respect and take care of.

The benefits of nature on our health

Female profile with nature

The green color evokes nature, calm, harmony. It is also related to well-being, because natural spaces increase our potential for health and good character.

In greener environments we find that people are more generous and more sociable. We find strong ties of social neighborhood and a greater sense of community, more mutual trust, and a willingness to help others.

That’s the conclusion of a team of scientists from the University of Illinois Health and Landscape Laboratory. The benefits have been objectively measured with data such as police crime reports, blood pressure tests, neurocognitive test performance, or physiological measurements of immune system function.

I like nature because she never asks me for explanations


Man in nature

We spend half our lives trying to explain and the other half lamenting because it seems that they do not satisfy everyone, not even ourselves. We look for meaning to the inexplicable, we praise the divine that we consider superior to the human and we flee from the pain that is part of life itself.

It is not necessary to imagine paradise, we are surrounded by it. From a desert landscape to a snowy one, the magnificence of nature is much greater than what we can imagine. Incredible things happen in it and they do not ask for any kind of toll or sacrifice for you to contemplate them.

Nature: the most sacred temple that we neither respect nor value

Many parents educate their children in centers with strict discipline and a very complete curricular program. But the basic values ​​of civility and respect are not transmitted to the world in which we live. We observe how they discard blank pages over and over again, how they throw all kinds of garbage in green spaces or beaches.

This little ecological awareness is causing damage that will be difficult to recover. We are in a savage capitalist system and we have the self-conviction that we can reproduce as a species without limits and that our needs must be satisfied because “we deserve it”, without thinking about the consequences.

It is not a catastrophic prediction or a Nostradamus prophecy, it is the diagnosis that hundreds of scientific studies currently throw : if we do not change our way of treating nature, if we continue to show absolute contempt for the problems of ecosystems, we will be condemned to ecocide and to try to survive on another planet because the one that welcomes us has become a means incompatible with life.

For this reason, we must become aware and return to nature everything that we should never steal from it, since it has never demanded anything from us. On the contrary, nature is always ready to give us back the joy and physical and psychological well-being that another part of the world denies us.

Let us fight to conserve it and so that our relationship with it is an inexhaustible source, not of resources to exploit it; but to keep the best of relief for any human being safe.

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