Resentment Lives From Resentment And Dies From Love

Resentment lives from resentment and dies from love

Our language is so beautiful and intelligent that on many occasions it hides its meaning within itself. Resentment is nothing more than the feeling that is repeated, over and over again, without giving up, without allowing us to rise to the surface to breathe and fill our lungs with oxygen. An echo that, when nesting, does not shut up.

Resentment at the same time is that anger, anger in many cases, which we lock up inside for different reasons. It may be because logically we are not very sure of its justification: we know that perhaps we do not have the right to be angry because someone does not comply with our wishes or because they say no to something we ask, however that refusal does not stop enraging us. We cannot explain it because we feel at the same time that it is not justified.

On many occasions, we keep our anger to ourselves because we do not want to show vulnerability. We do not want to give the image of dependent people and that the other realizes that what he has denied us was important to us. We do not want to give him that power or show him that this is our weak point, if a confrontation ever occurs we will be giving him weapons as an enemy to harm us.

Do you know how wicked communication works?

These types of people are usually characterized by an almost obsessive tendency to “mentally target” what they consider to be attacks from others. Perhaps they do it to have bullets if a battle breaks out one day, but the very thing that they aim also turns against them in moments of downturn, since then the list becomes the set of evidence that sustains a deeply sad feeling, the of not feeling loved.

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So… we swallowed it. We lock him up inside us and from there he starts hitting blows that, even if we don’t realize it, also trickle down to others. They are those hurtful words that we give to our friend because he is a little late, the curses we release when the toast falls on the side of the jam or the silence with which we receive our family when he comes home. Deflected hits, which are not vacuum and which also damage.

On the other hand, someone with deep resentment is a carrier of a powerful bomb that is about to explode. You just need not be able to take any more or get angry for a reason that you think justified for the explosion to occur.

Resentment is one of the worst illnesses in any couple. Unfortunately it begins to grow when communication breaks down and the damage that remains unrepaired accumulates. The fact that they do not have words does not mean that they are erased, on the contrary, it is one of the best indications that they accumulate.

They do it so much that, the day they come to light, the two members of the couple usually realize that they have been living with an unknown person for a long time. Some kind of sinister ghost that acted in a way, that tried to be kind, when deep dark reigned.

light bulbs

Resentment chokes its bearer

Resentment, while it does not manifest itself and remains breathless, suffocates its bearer. The one who first gets the blows is the guardian of his confinement, the one who first regrets it and has to heal the wounds it causes is the person who treasures it. However, it survives in some cases because we don’t know how to get rid of it.

In other cases, he lives thanks to the haze contained in sinister words: “revenge is served cold. It is that held grudge that brings food to the cell every day and the one that drives away love from which forgiveness and the firm intention to turn the page, chapter or book can emerge.

This love, capable of ending resentment, does not have so much love for the other as it does for ourselves. As we have said, in reality we are the ones who are struck by this feeling when we keep it and the best show of affection we can do towards ourselves is to let it go and die.

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