The Origins Of Guilt

The origins of guilt

All of us, at some point, have felt guilty for things that we have originated or caused. But what if we are not right? What if the guilt we feel is wrong? Sometimes we feel guilty even for breathing. When we reach this degree of guilt, we must look within and identify what is happening to us, why we are feeling guilty.

But, getting out of this guilt can be a difficult and sometimes unattainable path, if we do not know very well how to do it and are willing. Therefore, the first step is to discover where this guilt originated, in order to put an end to it as soon as possible.

Guilt comes from the family

Much of the guilt that we can feel originates within the family nucleus. This is due, above all, to how parents treat their children in the face of the mistakes that they may make. Continually scolding everything that our children do wrong will not cause them to correct it, but rather to blame themselves for influencing it over and over again. Let’s think that we all make mistakes and that it is almost impossible not to make mistakes a second time.

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But, this guilt is internalized at such an early age and can cause it to be integrated throughout life, accepting that guilt that only limits and damages us. Children must learn from mistakes that are not something to be exaggerated at all. Many times, we make the little ones feel as guilty of something that is really the result of ignorance.

The mistake is made by the elderly who instead of explaining their mistake only scold them, causing a sense of guilt that makes no sense. We must eliminate from our mind that children will not understand what we are saying, because we can cause guilt that will be difficult to overcome.

Situations that give rise to guilt

There are certain recurring situations that are repeated and that only cause guilt. Although many of them are associated within the family, some could later be transferred to other environments such as friendship and work, among many others.

  • Family misfortunes, such as a divorce, losing someone in the family, or someone suffering from depression or illness can be a very traumatic event.
  • When someone has a problem, they do nothing and indirectly ask others to help them.
  • If you feel different from others or do something that other people do not agree with.
  • When they always insist that there is someone worse than you. This will make you feel guilty for any complaints you allow yourself to do.

When the one you blame is you

These and many other situations are those that can cause guilt. But beware! because maybe you can also provoke it in others, either consciously or unconsciously.

When we feel so bad that we cannot act, many times we make those around us feel guilty, but who do nothing for us. Think that you are the only one who should get out of that situation in which you find yourself involved. No one should act for you.

Likewise, it happens when we make judgments about whether that person is convenient for you, about what you should do in your life. We do not like them to criticize our actions, but to support us. Be yourself and stay away from all those reproaches that can make you feel guilty. And above all, don’t do it yourself! many times we are not aware of the guilt that we are causing in other people.

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Knowing the origin of guilt and knowing in what situations you can be involved in it will help you to identify and overcome it. In the event that the guilt has originated in your family, knowing this will help you to know how you should proceed to completely eliminate it from your life.


Images courtesy of Christian Schloe

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