5 Keys To Identify Video Game Addiction

When video games begin to limit and affect a person’s life, it may be a behavioral addiction that requires intervention.
5 keys to identifying video game addiction

Video games are a popular form of entertainment. If in previous times this was considered a type of leisure typical of adolescents, today its use has been extended to people of all kinds. Men and women, young people and adults from different cultures and socioeconomic strata enjoy this activity, even becoming professional. Due to this standardization, it is difficult to identify video game addiction.

It is not that the use of electronic games is harmful in itself. On the contrary, several studies have found that these can report benefits at the level of cognitive and social development. The problem arises when the desire to play is uncontrollable and persistent, causes discomfort or affects other areas of the individual’s life.

However, it is common that those involved themselves are not aware of their dependence. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the following keys that may indicate the presence of an addiction.

How to identify video game addiction?

Teenager with video games

Play frequency

This parameter is relative since, depending on the living conditions of each person, a number of hours may or may not be considered excessive. However, if the individual spends more than four hours a day playing, and especially, if he loses track of time, we could be facing an alarm signal.

Inability to stop gambling

As with other behavioral addictions, it is important to analyze whether the person has control over their behavior, in this case over their use of video games. That is, if he is able to abandon this activity to attend to other tasks or if he feels great frustration and anger at having to stop the game.

Likewise, if your mood is affected, irritability and bad mood appear after spending time without playing, it is possible that an addiction has been generated.

Use of video games as emotional regulation

Electronic games can be a suitable type of entertainment as long as they are used for entertainment purposes. However, sometimes these begin to be used as a way to regulate unpleasant emotions; For example, in situations of stress or sadness, play is used to alleviate this negative emotional state.

It is even possible that the person gambles to escape from a reality that causes suffering or dissatisfaction. For example, if you suffer isolation or bullying at school or at work. In this case, it is dangerous that, in the absence of other resources and more adequate emotional management strategies, the virtual world is used to escape discomfort.

Health impairment

By spending many hours in front of the screen, holding the same position for a long time, health can be affected.

Thus, it is possible that postural neck or back pain, bone and muscle problems or circulation difficulties appear. Eyesight may also be affected, appearing dry eyes.

Interference with daily life

Undoubtedly, one of the signs that can most easily help identify video game addiction is the degree to which the need to play affects daily life.

It is common for poor school or work performance, conflicts in interpersonal relationships or isolation to occur, since the desire to play leads the person to neglect other areas.

Boy on the floor with video game controller

How to act after identifying video game addiction?

As we have commented, it is possible that the person suffering from addiction is not aware of their pathology. Therefore, the environment plays an important role in identifying and helping to become aware of the alarm signals. Especially when it comes to minors, parental supervision is essential; But even in adults, people close to you may be able to bring the addiction to light.

Once the addiction has been identified, or at the moment when suspicions arise that it is suffered, it is important to act. Abandoning the game completely is not always the best alternative, so a gradual reduction that allows addressing other areas and obligations is a fundamental first step.

However, it is likely that the addiction arose from a series of deficiencies such as poor emotional management or low self-esteem. For this reason, it is highly recommended to seek professional treatment in order to obtain the resources to make quitting addiction easier and more possible to achieve.

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