The Mother-child Bond Lasts A Lifetime

The mother-child bond is maintained throughout life

An excellent campaign called Vital Beats made it possible to record the heartbeat of a woman who had children. The video was given away and served to calm down in times of stress. The test was done on adults and the result was surprising. The heartbeats not only achieved the objective of reassuring them, but also highlighted the unbreakable bond that exists between a mother and her children.

This is because listening to the heartbeat is related to our first moments of life, in the womb and once we are born. When they rocked us to sleep, they hugged us so as not to be cold, they caressed us as a sign of affection.

Nothing bad could happen when we were near that little drum that resounded in our mother’s chest and affected our tranquility, our well-being and even our heartbeat.

The heart of a mother

When a baby is born, it recognizes its mother’s arms, lap, and breast, and there is no other person in the world who can match that bond. During the previous months, from the belly, he has already got used to that rumbling of the mother’s heart, the sound of her voice, her movements, etc. From the moment the woman gives birth, what appears is an attachment.

Mothers holding their baby's hand with attachment

The mother is becoming more and more confident in the care she provides to the baby and the child feels more confident when he realizes that his needs are being met in the best way. A child who is adopted from a young age can also experience the same feeling from the moment his adoptive mother places him on her lap.

But that does not mean that the baby does not recognize other people such  as the father, or other circumstances, such as dangers, colors, shapes, etc. The thinking of the little ones is more or less like this: “if mom is trustworthy, warm, secure, she cares about me, I will look for these characteristics in other beings around me, but I will not settle for less”.

When the relationship between the two is “truncated”, the baby will not reach a more confident and secure awakening to life. This break can occur due to different circumstances, such as the child’s or mother’s illness, economic, social, relationship problems, etc. Also when there is overprotection on the part of the mother or she does not allow anyone to interact with her child.

In these cases,  the little ones are “forced” to erect defenses ahead of time, instead of enjoying calmly and calmly what life has to offer.

The importance of contact

Mother cuddling her baby in bed

Experts emphasize that it is essential that the baby from birth also makes contact with other people beyond the mother. The father, grandparents, uncles, brothers, friends of the family, etc., can be your protective environment without problems. Although, it is clear that the mother will be the main one because she is the one who can breastfeed, for example.

In this way, the child will grow up with greater socialization, less fear of what lies beyond and with an “idea” that a safe and reliable bond can be provided by a set of people and characteristics.

Attachment to the mother is the basis for life, but also, it never ends. When children are young it means more time, care and attention and as they grow up it becomes a hug, a show of affection, a phone call.

Upon reaching adulthood, this is not completely lost either. Children will always seek their mother through homemade food, the way they sew a garment, how they serve breakfast or the way they organize the house.

It is enough for a son to know how to differentiate the moments in which he received everything from his mother (calm, security, love, etc.) so that the bond does not break or wear out. It is more than obvious that parents make mistakes during parenting, however, grateful children are those who know how to understand the circumstances and the reasons for each decision.

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