5 Psychological Series That You Cannot Miss

Some television series not only teach us lessons for life, but are the dream of many lovers of psychology. Not only do its dialogues and characters adjust to specific psychological types, but it also gives you the opportunity to make an analysis of both the characters and the situations that take place there.
5 psychological series that you cannot miss

When it comes to psychological series, who doesn’t like to watch a good television series? How many times have we stayed at dawn watching an outcome of a final season! Everyone has their particular taste and the reasons why they get hooked on this type of series.

However, if you are fond of intrigue plots and you like the world of psychology, these are the 5 psychological series that you cannot miss. You will not only be able to entertain yourself and learn from them. Also, analyze your DSM characters in hand, if that’s your taste.

The psychological series that you cannot miss

Next, we present the 5 psychological series that you cannot miss.

1. The Sopranos: a psychological “godfather”

If you haven’t seen The Sopranos yet, you’re missing out on what’s considered the best series ever! And we do not say it, but the nominations and the awards that it has taken during its 7 seasons on the air. The psychological interest behind this masterpiece stems from the double life led by its protagonist, Tony Soprano.

Without revealing anything about the plot, we can tell you that this New Jersey gangster is also a very concerned family man. Although there are hundreds of storylines in movies and series that develop the character of people who live this lie, The Sopranos has outstanding. He incorporates another of his greatest attractions into this situation : the conversations between the psychiatrist and the boss.

The therapy sessions between Tony Soprano and Dr. Melfi are a real treat. The doctor and he generate conversations at such a high level of depth that they make her a jewel of this discipline. Without a doubt, one of the psychological series that you cannot miss!

Therapy in the soprano series, psychological series

2. Breaking Bad, according to Stephen King, the best of the psychological series

Continuing with the double lives of the characters, the case of Walter White also hides a humanizing background. This chemist and professor is one of the most illustrative examples if we try to reflect on the acceptance of illness and preparation for death.

Instead of sinking in the news that he has a disease that he cannot cope with financially, he radically changes his life. Not only his way of facing the day to day; but his work, his family role, his way of communicating with his wife and a long etcetera. And all this in secret! In particular, the first season is a masterclass in Psychology. Stephen King himself called it the best television series ever.

3. Dexter: the endearing psychopath

If you are a lover of criminal psychology, Dexter is, without a doubt, your series! A serial killer, who at the same time is the best forensic cop in Miami. A priori and thus described, perhaps you think it is a cliché. But after watching the first chapters and delving into its world, you will realize why it is among the best psychological series of all time. It has a truly masterful background and script.

As the plot progresses, you will doubt about what is right or wrong. You will ask yourself what behaviors can be justified and which, although morally compromised, are the most appropriate. In addition, Dexter manages that, most of the time, you end up siding with the protagonist.

His rituals, his methodology, the influence of his childhood on his current personality, his way of loving, his code, his relationship with his co-workers … Everything is perfectly spun and worked. In short, a delicacy in which nothing is left to chance.


4. In therapy: an open-heart consultation

In treatment is a masterful example of dialogue and a master class on how the human mind works. Based on the eponymous hit Israeli series, it is one of the psychological series that hooks from the get-go. It is based on the consultation of the psychoanalyst Paul Weston and the weekly sessions that he holds with his patients. At the moment, it has 3 seasons and its daily chapters only last 20 minutes.

Hand in hand with HBO, En Terapia overcomes great challenges. The first, knowing how to use the word properly and make it the main and almost the only resource from which it draws. The second, hook the viewer from the first minute, without boring him with tedious conversations.

And the third, normalize a situation that is not usually visible on the screen. The fact that psychologists go to another consultation to seek professional help and improve their own emotional well-being. We recommend it!

5. My mad fat diary: teenage eating

Although less well known than the previous ones, this British series is one of those works that reflects what it is like to live with an eating disorder. It is based on the book “My Fat, Mad Teenage Diary”, written by Rae Earl. And it’s based on the story of an overweight 16-year-old teenager. After spending time in a psychiatric hospital, his efforts are focused, since he left, in managing to hide his mental problems and the distortions he suffers from his body image.

Two girls sitting

In addition, her almost 105 kilos of weight makes it tremendously difficult for her to fit in with society. For this reason, it is striking how he spends all his efforts to hide his past, to surprise his new friends and to lead an adolescent life as normal as possible.

It is a highly recommended psychological series due to the honesty of the facts that it narrates and the credibility of the actions carried out by its characters. A comedy that mixes romance and drama, away from the adolescent cliché. It would be unthinkable that this was not one of the psychological series on our list!

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