I Feel A Great Emptiness Inside Me

I feel a great emptiness inside me

“I feel an emptiness inside me.” Maybe you’ve heard it, or maybe you’ve felt it. It is a feeling that Teresa of Calcutta reflected words full of wisdom. Words in which he also showed the way to fill it.

“There are people who have a partner but feel so lonely and empty as if they didn’t have one. There are others who, by not waiting, decide to walk next to someone who is wrong and, in their selfishness, they do not allow that someone to go away even knowing that it does not make them happy.

There are people who sustain marriages or courtships that have already been destroyed, for the simple fact of thinking that being alone is difficult and unacceptable. There are people who decide to occupy a second place trying to get to the first, but that journey is hard, uncomfortable and fills us with pain and abandonment.

But there are other people who are alone and live and shine and surrender to life in the best way. People who do not turn off; on the contrary, every day they light up more and more. People who learn to enjoy solitude because it helps them to get closer to themselves, to grow and to strengthen their interior.

Those people are the ones who one day, without knowing the exact moment or why, find themselves next to the one who loves them with true love and they fall in love in a wonderful way. “

-Teresa of Calcutta-

There is a void inside me, why?

woman thinking "I feel an emptiness inside me"

“I feel a great emptiness inside me”, “I feel alone although accompanied”, “I feel empty although I have everything and I do not lack anything”, ” I feel incomplete despite having a wonderful person by my side” , etc. Does it sound familiar to you?

It is very likely that this feeling of unhappiness and dissatisfaction is very familiar to you. This is the emotional void, a painful companion in our lives that makes us feel lonely and incomplete.

The truth is that the possibility of feeling empty terrifies and blocks us. This is logical, since there is no more penetrating pain than that of facing our emotional reality. And it is that it makes us ask ourselves questions that are emotionally uncomfortable: If I have everything, what more can I ask for? What can I aspire to if my partner is perfect? How many more friends do I have to have so I don’t feel lonely?

It may also be that you have everything, but perhaps there is something that you do not imagine that may be within your reach. It is possible that you are surrounded by people but all those people are not the right ones or that you need a change of scene.

Sheet with a gap reflecting emotional void

What is behind the emotional void?

When someone says the phrase “I feel an emptiness inside me”, that emotional emptiness hides behind it slavery, longing , sadness and the need for affection and emotional freedom. He presents himself to us in a cruel way, masked by mixed feelings, doubts, exhaustion and lack of illusion.

But why does this happen to us? Why does the emptiness arrive, strike us a strong emotional blow and leave us stranded? Well, the answer is very simple: we don’t know each other well. Or, in other words, have you ever considered what you need, how you feel, where you want to go and what you are willing to do to achieve it?

Knowing this, we should stop thinking that we are tall, beautiful, friendly people and friends of our friends. Instead, we should think that the important thing is to have a handful of illusions that sustain us.

Woman suffering emotional void

Identity and emotional self-knowledge, the key to our well-being

We must put aside the wrong approaches and define ourselves in the present moment. In other words, the important thing is not whether we are doctors, salespeople, or household employees. Thinking like this continues to leave us equally empty, full of yearnings and without identity.

That is why it is key that we realize that the price to pay for our ignorance is very high. Do we really want to be just another doctor, find the love of our life or be parents? Not really. We are not satisfied with that and that is where our problems lie.

When our SELF fails, emotional emptiness occurs.  Simply, everything becomes mere labels, patches that cover our wounds and bandages that prevent our eyes from seeing.

I feel a great emptiness inside me, what can help me?

Girl picking hearts from a tree

The emotional emptiness is poignant and unbearable, as it reminds us that we need something that we cannot determine, flooding us with hopelessness and desolation. We can try to complete ourselves by eating excessively, looking for great love, drinking  alcohol, pounding ourselves in the gym or loading our schedule. But that unbearable feeling  of “I need something but I don’t know what it is” is  still there, lurking.

Without a doubt,  the emptiness determines our life and our well-being, causing the architecture that maintains our emotions to balance. In fact, this  “brain disconnect”  that occurs between the limbic and prefrontal systems is the same that occurs in people with depression.

The fight against emptiness is not easy. It seems that many of the most negative emotions and sensations that exist have turned against us, allying themselves to end us.

Each one has to dive inside and  try to find the key to what causes the feeling of emptiness.  There are no magic formulas or foolproof remedies. The solution is within each one.

If you think that of “I feel an emptiness inside me” you should know that it only depends on oneself to reach the coast of truth. After all, change is a door that can only be opened from within .

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