Introverts And Extraverts

Are introverts boring? Are extraverts unconscious? Find out what these widely used terms mean.
Introverts and extroverts

The differences between introverts and extraverts are among the most easily observable externally. Shortly after meeting a person we are able to determine towards which of the two poles he leans more. However, as in the rest of personality traits, the classification is not categorical. People are in the middle of the continuum based on their preferences and actions.

Socially, extraverts enjoy greater recognition and acceptance. Others tend to perceive them as fun, happy and sociable people. On the contrary, introverts are seen as withdrawn, boring and even weird due to their particular way of understanding and enjoying life. But what exactly do these two concepts designate?

Introverts and extroverts

Extraverts are people who need contact with the outside world. They enjoy and recharge in the interaction with others and therefore they focus their energy on cultivating social relationships. They are usually very communicative individuals and with a preference for collaborative activities.

They have a knack for relating and enjoy doing so, which is why they tend to have a wide circle of friends. They are comfortable in places full of lights and sounds as they are stimulating. They are also prone to getting involved with different and novel environments and activities.

Introverts, for their part, channel their energy inward. They are introspective people, who have a rich inner world. They enjoy spending time with themselves, engaged in activities that they are passionate about. They recharge when they are alone, so they tend to prefer individual activities and jobs.

They tend to be reserved and uncommunicative people, with fewer social ties but greater emotional depth. Crowds and loud environments can make them feel overwhelmed so they prefer quiet and peaceful places.

What is the key to their differences?

The central point of the differences between introverts and extraverts is found in their different level of arousal. This concept defines the degree of brain activation of an individual in relation to environmental stimuli. Contrary to what it may seem, introverts have a higher level of general arousal. In this way, external stimuli can over-activate them and cause them discomfort.

On the contrary , extraverts, having a lower arousal, require external stimulation to reach their optimum point. Relationships with the outside world energize the extravert and drain the introvert because they start from different levels of activation.

Introverts and extraverts: equally valid

Advantages of being an introvert

  • Listening ability: due to their high sensitivity, introverts are able to empathize and deeply understand others. In a world where empty and superficial conversations abound, an introvert will be able to handle emotional content with great wisdom and expertise.
  • Rationality: they are cerebral, analytical and thoughtful people . Their rich inner world enables them to offer very different perspectives on each matter, which is why their environment often relies on them as great advisers.
  • They enjoy themselves: for introverts, loneliness is not a punishment, it is a very pleasant state. They are people who rarely feel lonely or bored and do not usually need the approval of others.

Advantages of being extraverted

  • Sociability: Extraverts have a wide social circle and are in constant interaction with people. This can be a protective factor against depression and other types of conditions, since social support increases our defenses and helps us recover from the disease.
  • Adaptability: Their open nature helps them make friends wherever they go and adapt quickly to any new environment.
  • Work success: Although it is true that each person excels in a different field, extroverts have an advantage at the work level. Their ability to work in a team and build social relationships makes it easy for them to network and open new doors in their professional careers. 

In sum, despite the social stigma that introverts carry, both personality types have great advantages and provide very valuable qualities. Taking an interest in knowing the strengths of both sides will help us better understand their perspectives and enjoy their virtues, accepting and respecting each person as they are.

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